Common Question: Should Christians get vaccinated?

Because people are dying, and many that don’t die face possibly lifelong disability due to long term damage done by the virus. I am happy that you did well after Covid infection. Many do not. And many more will not, because they have not gotten the vaccine. The Delta varient is amazingly contagious. The vaccine is amazingly effective. God is good to have allowed it to be made as quickly and as effective as it is. Thanks be to God. Let us pray for those around the world that have not been so blessed, as millions are still dying, and may we do our best to provide care (and vaccines) to those still at risk.

From a totally pragmatic viewpoint, society is going to have to provide care for the chronically disabled at tremendous cost. Society has the obligation to limit that cost by pushing the vaccine, and having old people die and getting off Medicare may not pay for all of it.

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Those crimes are ranked as to how serious they are. The same thing happens when we judge the actions of a sovereign state.

That doesn’t mean we should ignore the major problems with those democracies. If you think requiring a vaccine shot is an atrocity, I really have to wonder what you think of the atrocities those early democracies visited upon their populace.

The first attachment is from a pdf I downloaded from the CDC. The other vaccines are basically the same. I downloaded them 3 months ago, maybe they are different now- not sure. The 2nd attachment you can see for yourself, VAERS data. I said long-term studies, so anything 3, 5 10 years out? no, unfortunately you ( I’m assuming you got the shot/s) and others that got the shot are the long term trial test. I don’t know if they even have 1 year of trials yet. I doubt it. As far as the 20 years without success comment about mRNA, that is pretty common knowledge with a little searching (if it hasn’t been cancelled). So which claims are false? and if you don’t mind what news sources do you listen to or gather your info?

I can save us both time and frustration, because if you are left leaning or look to the major news media for your info, we will be at odds with very little chance of agreement. tks

I’m sure if you did a study of people who pick their nose, you would find out of 150 million, at least 11,000 died. Same thing. (Actually a rare few nose pickers might die of facial cellulitis and cavernous sinus thrombosis caused by nose picking, probably about the same number that die of vaccine related problems.)
True we do not know much about long term studies, but no indication of major problems so far, and there is a lot of indication that long term effects of Covid infection are common and serious. It is basic risk/benefit analysis.


They didn’t die from the vaccine. Or did you think the vaccine is supposed to make people immortal?

Can you name a single vaccine that has caused death or side effects more than a few months after inoculation? On top of that, you are getting the same mRNA injected into your cells if you get the actual SARS-CoV-2 infection. SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus that injects its RNA genome into your cells, copies that RNA genome in your cells, and allows your own cells’ transcriptional and translational systems to create mRNA and proteins such as the spike protein. There are around 25 different viral genes that are expressed in your cells during an infection, along with the proteins related to them. The vaccine has just one of those genes and one protein.

Really? Here is a successful mRNA influenza vaccine described in a 2019 paper:

There is also a much longer history of successful mRNA animal trials. Would you be interested in that?

As of now, there have been hundreds of millions of people vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines. The death rate is extremely low, perhaps a handful of people, and those are linked to the vaccine that is not based on mRNA. Compare that to the actual infection which has killed millions. If we look at the situation now we see more than 99% of COVID deaths occurring in the unvaccinated. The vaccines are safe, and the data supports it. The vaccine does save lives, as we can see right now.


Thanks Randy, I have a true story that you might enjoy. My mother-in-law is 94, and we are caring for her. We took her in for an eye infection issue and the nurses brought up her record and asked “does she still have covid?” At that point she had never been in for any covid testing or an anything covid related. When we starting asking about seeing the record, and getting copies, the subject was changed… just interesting.

Your comment about being safe, well, not for those 11,000+ that died, and over 400,000 with bad side effects, so far. That number from VAERS keeps growing. Even if it is a smaller number than covid deaths, it is true.

They didn’t die because of the vaccine.

There are many people who had strong side effects, including myself. You know what? It didn’t kill me, nor did it require hospitalization. You know what happens when people get the actual infection?

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ok, I appreciate that. I will attempt to read it.

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Not a vaccine denier (since i got mine a month ago) but what it happens when you get the infection? Nothing. I got it 5 months ago. Only lost a sense of smell and taste for a week. Not even fever. Nothing happened

Because the virus has plunged the world into a pandemic the likes of which has not been seen for a hundred years and millions of people have died because they have not been vaccinated. It’s not nefarious or complicated.

This virus has also killed over four million people, a number that is probably highly under counted. A large percentage of those who recover have long term debilitating side effects. One in 4 patients develops long COVID. Almost 25% of COVID-19 Patients Develop Long-Term Symptoms | TIME.

Vaccination provides more robust protection against future infection and variants than antibodies from an infection. It is recommended for everyone, even those who have recovered from COVID

The idea that effects of the vaccine are going to show up in ten years is not based in reality. We know how vaccines work and the effects of vaccines have been studied for decades. There is no such thing as a side effect of a vaccine that shows up ten years down the road. This is a figment of paranoid imagination, not a medical reality. If a person is going to have side effects from the vaccine, they will show up within six weeks. Millions of people have been vaccinated over the last year and we are well-aware of the side effects. We are also well-aware of the lasting side effects of COVID, and they are terrible and potentially far more damaging long-term.

We know plenty. We definitely know enough about how the body works and responds to vaccines to know that this is not an issue. We also know that dying of COVID is far more detrimental to your reproductive potential.

No it doesn’t. The development and rollout of the vaccine is a modern medical marvel that is a testament to cooperation and human ingenuity in the face of a crisis. The only people sensing something foul are prone to conspiratorial thinking and disinformation campaigns.

Conservatives are telling you to get the vaccine.


Over 600,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 compared to 35 million reported cases. COVID-19 has killed more Americans than WWII. I wouldn’t call that nothing.


And there are those that dont get nothing(expect couldnt enjoy my favourite foods). If America actually had restraim itself and promoted better healthcare and not having any MCdonalds every neighborhood maybe people would had better immune systems.

It was prevetable though. China let it slipp . Goverments also. So i dont plame the people

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Vaccination is by far the best prevention.

We wouldnt need to get that far
As i sad it was preventable. People woukdnt have died.

I understand not wanting to get political but ignoring all the mistakes made by goverments during the start of the pandemic and saying something corcky like" vaccination is the only prevention" sounds a bit stupid

I can almost guarantee that you have already been inoculated with mRNA at some point in your life. Many viruses are RNA viruses, so if you have had a viral infection in your lifetime you have probably acquired immunity through mRNA, the hard way.

The virus has killed over 600,000 Americans and you think it is relatively safe. The vaccine is linked to just a handful of deaths, and that is linked to the non-mRNA Johnson & Johnson vaccine. However, you think the vaccine is way more dangerous than the actual infection. I can’t square that circle.

The same could be said for every single thing we do every day. There has never been a vaccine that has caused problems 10 years down the road. None. On top of that, you are going to have the same immune response to the actual infection that you will have towards the vaccine, and the virus injects mRNA into your cells just like the vaccine. Since the viral genome is made up of 25 genes and the vaccine has just 1 gene it seems to me that the actual infection is way, way riskier, both in the short term and in the long term.

It’s also strange that you worry about the S protein from the vaccine but don’t worry about kids getting the S protein from the actual infection. Why is that?

I would hope that you listen to sources because what they say is true, not just what you want to hear. Virology and immunology are not partisan issues. There is no Liberal immunology or Conservative immunology.


I’m sorry for the experience with your mother in law. It is easy to get people mixed up -that does happen. PCRs are very accurate, and obviously, she did not have Covid. It happens all the time with non Covid cases, too.

Neat that you are taking care of her! I love elderly patients. My grandma just passed away at 95. I have wondered sometimes if our saintly grandmas keep on praying for us in Heaven. I miss them doing it on Earth.

As you may recall with VAERs, anyone can post anything–a toenail problem, a sneeze–even things that are unrelated. VAERS is unfortunately not appropriate in that respect. The quotes on the deaths are unfortunately not accurate. You want to follow the randomized, controlled trials.

Thanks. Blessings in caring for your mother in law!

School children will die this fall because of ill-informed and erroneous thinking. Christian children too.

The actual death count so far in the US is probably 700,000. And in India, it is probably over 4 million. And that is without Big Macs. We have an obligation to the international community as well. We have been fortunate in the US, but it seems we are no where near out of this. While breakthrough cases in the immunized population are fairly common, few are severe. Reports of hospitalized patient show that well over 90% of them are unvaccinated. (Of course, that depends on community vaccination rates. If 100% vaccination rate was achieved, all the patients would be in the vaccination group. As it is, in many areas, the 40% unvaccinated make up 95% of the hospitalized and nearly 100% of the fatalities. Of course, the immunocompromised do not have a good immune response to the vaccine, and are still potentially at risk.)


Over and above the risk antivaxers pose to themselves and those they come in contact with there is another worry I have. All the people out there hoping to catch and recover from it in order to develop immunity naturally are providing the organism a huge Petri dish where it can continue mutating into ever more virulent and difficult to restrain variants. We could so easily have been past this by now were it not for these self appointed experts.


All the more reason for everyone eligible to vaccinated!


*Only potentially at risk? :slightly_smiling_face: