To begin I obviously don’t believe that literal scales fell from the eyes of Paul. Before some of the recent Bible Project Podcasts episodes concerning the scales of snakes I was already aware of it but it brought it back up to the front of my attention.
In genesis we read of the serpent in the garden.
Later on we read of David and Goliath and how Goliath’s armor has a scale like appearance.
1 Samuel 17:5
New American Standard Bible
5 And he had a bronze helmet on his head, and he wore scale-armor which weighed five thousand shekels of bronze.
Job 41 gives the impression of the leviathan having scales that can’t be pierced.
Then we get to the New Testament and the story of Paul.
A few things come to mind concerning Paul.
I felt the fact Paul had “scales” was a die to er indicator that he was the enemy of the church. Just like the scales on all the other enemies from the snake to Goliath. Part of me thinks that though he had scales, perhaps his heart was not a stone and he truly believed he was doing the will God and so God used him. Instead of Paul being struck down, he was forgiven and saved. I can’t help but feel if it was in the Tanakh Paul would have been someone that was led to destruction or killed. He would have been the bad guy struck down. But Christ saved him. He forgave his enemy and lead him to salvation.
That the scales could also represent growth. As snakes mature and get older they shed. In this process they lose their eye scales. In the same way Paul matured. He went from Judaism to Christianity. He went from Moses to Christ. He outgrew his old self and shed off his scales. He could not see the light. The blind could see.
I was wondering if anyone had any good resources , or their thoughts, on tracing out the possible hyperlinks of Pauls scaled eyes to previous examples.
And also thoughts on Paul’s shipwreck and being bitten by a viper theories.