William lane craig arguments

It’s not likely that a quantum fluctuation cannot produce a universe? Even if it’s not likely, it can certainly happen. Here’s one such paper that mathematically demonstrates its feasibility:

Nobody is actually arguing (except for that one paper I referenced above, sorry @ManiacalVesalius) that the universe came from nothing. Very few cosmologists are writing papers and exploring a true ex nihilo type of model.

Despite Roger’s confidence, he has no idea how the universe began just the same as WLC. Sure, Roger and WLC believe by faith that the Christian God in particular is the one who created it. I believe the same thing! But… I am not so presumptuous to come in and say that because we have no natural explanation, God did it. That is literally all the Kalam argument ever was and ever will be. Sure, maybe we will push the argument back a bit further, or maybe the laws of physics are eternal and then we can’t use the Kalam argument for a while.

Roger you’re wrong again. I think I’ve explained this to you as have other physicists. The Big Bang Theory describes quite well what happened after the universe began but says nothing about what started it. Again, this is exactly the same thing as how abiogenesis is completely different than the theory of evolution. But I’ve explained this to you and you still keep repeating the same inaccurate phrases about Cosmology.