Why There is No Proof of God

I agree that Jesus’ disciples loved him, while in His presence. I can also see what Dale means, that faithfulness in absence can be a sign of love. However, I agree with you that evidence of existence reinforces love.

When , and however it happens, that heaven and earth are united and restored I don’t think it means our love will go away. The Bible says love endures all things and will be here even with powers and so on. I think we will be able to move God more when we get there. Right now there is no personal relationship with God or Jesus. No one is having special unique conversations with him. You can’t tell me you asked Jesus his favorite color and food and he responded and so on. We all have the same exact ways to be in relationship with God. When we die and come face to face with him eventually, upon resurrection, again whenever and however that happens, then we can have an actual personal relationship with God and Jesus like we do with others in our life. If I had a diary i found if someone, and read it for years but could not prove who they were, or if it was even a real diary or maybe it fake, and then I found out who they were and knew it was real and was on a plane to visit them, and we became friends, our relationship would be strengthened.

Faith won’t be required no more because we will know it’s true, whatever it is. Because right now the evidence is very anecdotal and subjective and requires faith to some degree.


Beyond the physical world there isn’t much we can prove. Does beauty exist in the world or only our minds? Does love exist in the world or only in our hearts? If God exists, does He exist in the world or, if His existence too is to be found in us, where? I’m tempted to say in our attention. But just as with beauty and love we can also be blind to God.

Then it’s up to Him to restore our sight. And no, beauty is entirely in the eye of the beholder. And love, like beauty, changes the world.

Then you are far morel knowledgeable about what God is and can do than I am. I think the ball is always in our court and that we are entitled to nothing. Yet we are gifted much. No path is sure but still we must proceed until we can’t. I have no idea if God is a who or a what or exists at all; but there is more going on than I can take credit for.

I know that it’s not our fault.

Oh I wouldn’t say it was but I think it is entirely up to us to get done whatever needs doing no matter how under equipped we may be.


I also think it’s up to us to manage this world.

I always remember a pastor saying this once.

The world says where was God at when all these kids were starving to death in third world countries?
What was God at when the forests were being destroyed and wildfires were breaking out.
Where was you when a bunch of homeless people froze to death in the center of a big city?

We wonder and ask God where was he and all the time God is saying…… did you not know the storm was coming? Did you not know there was homeless people there? Did you not know that what you were doing was causing fire after fire and we’re you not aware you were cutting down wild areas? Oh…. You were in your house watching tv talking about how cold it is and if anyone else was going to do something about it and then act shocked from the horror the next day.

As mentioned before if someone is really scrawny, and they are unhappy with their body, and they want to get more athletic , they can’t just pray to god to wake up with abs and transform donuts into a well stack macro meal. The whole world could pray for deep fried doughnuts to be healthy and it’s still going to be a junk food lol. So why do we act as if god is going to cause bad drivers to get off their phone, or cause unethical sewage dumping to just magically stop and so on.

We are his image on earth. We reflect him. It’s up to us to do what he describes through wisdom.


Yes, hence providences. But it cannot instill love.

…they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.
Luke 16:21

Here’s a riddle:

Can coercion ever be edifying?

No takers? Btw, the answer is yes.

I have two instances in mind, and in both cases, whether the coercion is edifying or not depends pretty much entirely on the recipient.

Their reason for rejecting God had nothing to do with an evil God … these particular atheists reasoned that submitting to God’s authority was “not freedom”. They seemed to think they deserved life without honouring the life-giver.

Thanks. Do you have a citation? That might help me to understand. I know some Christian libertarians, for example, who reject any reasonable direction from God. Thanks.

Even I baulk at that! If God directed me I’d jump. As it is, I follow, as in splutter along, generally in the trajectory of Jesus, zig zagging through the oncoming waves.


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