Why There is No Proof of God

The objective meaning(s) infused by the correlation of the otherwise disparate circumstances in the accounts cited directly points to God’s sovereignty over time and place, and thus his omnipotence and omnipresence. They are knowable, as is his love.

I do not see anything in my remarks that is contradicted by scripture, and your references are in agreement with my remarks and outlook.

I am showing that people coming up with the idea of god or gods is a human construct, and this is shown by the many deities promulgated by pagan religions. Having a meaningful understanding of God is through revelation and the workings of the Holy Spirit. I would have assumed that you would agree with this.

Whenever we speak of proofs, we often mean measurements and analysis of things and intellectual constructs, including maths.

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Then you would not object to Bonhoeffer’s phrasing:

If it is I who determine where God is to be found, then I shall always find a God who corresponds to me in some way, who is obliging, who is connected with my own nature. But if God determines where he is to be found, then it will be in a place which is not immediately pleasing to my nature and which is not at all congenial to me. This place is the Cross of Christ.

Of course it is. Humanuty is build upon hope. Take that hope away and your done. People today find their hope in something else. Everyone is different. But the ultimate hope is God. You choose to believe that he exists hoping to get to heaven. Some others do not. And tgen there are others who have putted their hopes on two seperate hopes.

I am pointing out the great difference between ideas that we humans have postulated and practiced regarding gods, and that of the revealed knowledge of God.

Your remarks may have some relevance regarding the ubiquitous practices and beliefs in spiritual things that we can observe in cultures, communities and civilizations throughout history.

Theres no such thing. Everyone believes their God is the one. That doesnt make you right. Although i would agree that Christianity has more history in its texts tham any other religion

You need to provide your reasoning behind such blank assertions, otherwise you may be guilty of your own accusations (ie., that does not make you right).

Doesnt every religions *main argument biegn that their diety is the True one? I though this was a basic fact no?

So you dont believe Christ to be God? Do you also believe in other deites to be true and exist? Interesting…

your response is nonsensical - just making blank statements wastes my time. :sleeping:

Dont really understand your point.

If you have difficulty answering my questions above which are really simple i understand. If for some reason you dont want to then thas fine. Just say which one is it. What youve said really undermines my character and your understanding skills here which is unfortunate

I have simply stated that you need to provide reasons why you think everyone believes their god is one, for example. I had entered this conversation to show how human reasoning cannot come up with the idea of a transcendent God who would send His Son to us for our salvation. I have also used as an example, pagan religions that have numerous gods (eg Greece, Rome, Babylon, and so on).

If you can provide your reasons, than I think you should. Otherwise, comment on my original lengthy post, or simply end this conversation if you are not interested in my original post.

Have a good day.

Human sacrifice goes back many millennia before PSA. Blurring with cannibalism. If there is no God then PSA is purely natural development from that. Furthermore, if there is God, then there’s no need for PSA, it’s still a natural development of the incarnation in human ignorance.

As a Christian you are able to accept that the best proof for the bible is the bible itself. There is no higher authority. Historians can add to our search, but not decide or overrule the Holy Spirit within us.

There is nothing in nature, reality, experience that requires a natural greater or higher intentional agent, whatever that could impossibly be, or rather mean, as it can’t be. I can’t imagine apart from sci-fi and fantasy entities with woo and spooky attributes.

sci-fi and fantasy entities with woo

I love the Sovereign God who providentially intervenes in his children’s lives, many empirical examples of which have been cited here. It may be woo to those who deny it, but it is really a recognizable M.O. that can be delighted in.

And hey, someone quite renowned used what was intended as a pejorative here as an adjective with respect to quantum entanglement. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s my understanding that, no, not every religion believes their god or gods are the only true ones. I mean, presumably, if they believe in a god or gods, they believe that their god is real or their gods are real, but many of them don’t reject other gods or other perspectives of God.

If they’re polytheistic, believing in many gods, they might very well accept gods from other religions as real, as well. I have read, though I cannot know, but this was the case with many religions in biblical times. Many of them would accept the gods of other faiths, as well, though, obviously Christianity did not.

Then there are religions that believe in a singular god, but some of those might believe that a god of another faith is the same as their god, but simply viewed in a different way.

At least in modern times, I think some polytheists like some neo-Pagans also believe that their various gods are all manifestations or different aspects of or perspectives of a single diety.

Also, I would think that there are some religions that believe in a more general sense of God, and therefore might see the god of another faith, such as Christianity, as potentially being the God they’ve worshipped, as well. They might simply see it is them not having all of the details before.

There are also religions that are largely atheistic, such as Buddhism. I think that some Buddhists do believe in a god or gods, but others do not. I think many Buddhist are somewhat atheistic. With that said, I do not know a great deal about Buddhism, so you should look into that on your own and take my words with a grain of salt.

Anyway, I certainly wouldn’t think of it as the main argument of every religion.


Since you are a monotheist I assume and a Christian do you also believe in the existence of all pagan deities? And why would God manifest in a different way to others ? Do you believe Allah to be the same as Jesus when Islam said Allah never walked the earth and they have no trinitarian beliefs?(assuming you are a trinitarian).
And last but not least have you seen any religious scholar or theologist claiming that some religions God is the same one just “different”?

Really? So if I get to Heaven, where God will prove beyond doubt that he exists, my love for God will be negated?

A husband knows his wife exists, yet he still loves her.

I’ve heard some atheists declare that they’d reject (ie, not love) God even if God proved his existence.

Depends on the God. If He’s anything like the God of most Abrahamics, I will reject Him.

I think what the majority often mean is they would reject an evil god…which is indeed what we all (perhaps, especially as Christians) should resist with all our might. I think this is a problem of communication. Thanks.