Why There is No Proof of God

Give me the Bible reference please.

I read enough to agree with @Christy, if you will recall. I do not need to reinvent the wheel.

Show me scripture that says we are supposed to communicate with any disembodied spirit. The only spirit we are to communicate with is God the Holy Spirit… via prayer.

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You must not know about the incident of Saul and the medium. Samuel was a good spirit, one of your ‘spirits of God’. Should he have been communicated with? No.

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What does doctrine mean except teaching? You quote doctrines, teachings, e.g., “Jesus is not God.”

It has nothing to do with Justinian – you don’t understand the order within the Trinity. The Trinity is a big part, maybe the only part, of why God created us – he’s happy in himself, as noted above.

And how do you get around Philippians 2:6?

That was another rhetorical question – I don’t really need to know, because it won’t be legitimate.

A person can still confidently believe in something without having scientific proof.

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…and be either correct or mistaken. :slightly_smiling_face:

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true, no scientific evidence (much less proof) of either the existence or non-existence of god-like super-intelligent beings in our heavens

however, thousands of (mature, adult, rational) humans for thousands of years, worldwide, have consistently if sporadically claimed to receive meaningful intelligible cogent articulate audio-visual messages from god-like super-intelligent beings (somewhere) in our heavens

that constitutes direct firsthand witness testimony evidence, valid at law (by the reasonable man standard)

Ipso facto, at present, the preponderance of evidence weighs in favor of the existence of god-like super-intelligent beings (somewhere) in our heavens

Moreover, our best scientific hypotheses (Epicurus, Bruno, Fermi, Drake) have long “warned” us that our heavens ought to be brimming with other intelligent beings (some of whom might well be super-intelligent)

So, the preponderance of evidence (witness testimony) & scientific hypothesizing all mutually agrees, corroborates, and points in the exact same direction – god-like super-intelligent beings (possibly, plausibly, perhaps probably) exist in our heavens

(and have reportedly already Contacted us repeatedly)

I am nowhere near so confident as that, for a couple or three reasons. As a Christian, I have reason to know why God created the universe (and it doesn’t necessarily exclude other sentient physical beings, but there is no reason to include them, either), the adversary masquerades as an angel of light, and we live in A Small Big Universe, finely tuned.

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Yes, of course. And this is true even if someone is an Atheist with very little evidence to support atheism!

well, I’m not telling anyone to be “confident” in any active assertion, from our “pale blue dot spaceship earth”, onto the entire rest of the fabric of space-time

based on blurry astronomy pictures of the day (all from earth, from one vantage point)

However, if you suddenly had to choose one way or the other, you would be better justified in prematurely presuming existence over non-existence

the “initial unconfirmed reports” do suggest a clear, consistent, self-corroborating, perfectly possible / plausible / even probable scenario, which parsimoniously accounts for all of current knowns & best most educated guesses as to unknowns (god-like super-intelligent beings exist in the heavens as our most philo-sophical minds have long “warned” in concert with the consistent claims of “Contactees” to have received meaningful intelligible audio-visual messages therefrom)

the “initial unconfirmed reports” of Contact-like events are not surprising and have a 2300-year-old (Epicurus) off-the-shelf explanation

Abraham + Epicurus = “earth has [advanced] neighbors”

That sounds fairly confident to me, especially with all the emphases. :slightly_smiling_face:

Confident in logic & reasoning

Religion = widespread reports of meaningful intelligible audio-visual “Contact” events from “godlike beings in the heavens”

Philosophy since Epicurus = Cosmological principle (“what’s here is there”) suggests Plurality of Worlds

Religion + Philosophy = (long ongoing) Contact from other-worldly beings

2 + 2 = 4

Tangentially, you are “confident” in mathematics, yes? You are “sure” that 2+2=4 in actual fact?

How many different kinds of confidence are there?


In base 10, aka the decimal system, or anything base 5 and above, yeah, pretty much.

Not “confident” that there are in fact (advanced communicating) ETI’s out there – that would be a conclusion, only coming from the result of a lengthy protracted thorough due-cosmological-diligence investigation

Confident that the preponderance of (un-scientifically-corroborated witness testimony) evidence of Religion squares nicely with the ancient tried-and-so-far-always-true Cosmological Principle (“what’s here has so far always been there”) of Philosophy & Science, implying a simple parsimonious narrative explanation (advanced communications from advanced ETI neighbor(s))…

and hence confident in a serious, straight-faced, non-dismissable, non-bah-humbug-able, but absolutely honestly sincerely genuinely maybe

as in, a worth looking into maybe

as in, “enough to warrant opening an earnest investigation” maybe

confident that “preliminary findings” warrant a closer look

I think that’s close to ‘whatever’.

that doesn’t qualify as “thinking” :slight_smile:

Epicurus, Bruno, Fermi & Drake are the current terrestrial standards (with the credentials) :slight_smile:

“what they said” – Cosmological Principle & Plurality of Worlds are the actual best “intelligence estimates” on our cosmic neighborhood

I think this thread is poorly named.

Why there is no proof of God should be really re-stated to why

There is no Scientific Proof of God.

This is the problem with I.D. It gets confused between the ordinary ranges of “proof” that men and women of faith find satisfactory for their devotions… and tries to make that the same as how to prove God, or his works, as an Independent Variable.

But think about it … how would the laboratory table look?

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How about

There is no demonstrable proof of God?

Scripture says that we should not put God to the test… which is a very clever way for making God unprovable.

On the other hand I, like many, would claim that I do not need any (further?) proof of God.

For the believer no proof is needed, for the sceptic not proof is enough.
