Why I don't like the term "evolutionist"

The problem is that the entire fabric of Discovery is a political endeavor to become so philosophically purified from the taint of Religion … that Discovery evangelicals are allowed greater legal access to the public education system . … [slightly edited for clarity]

Hello. New kid on the block. Graduated from Bethel Seminary 1984. Then twenty one years in Air Force, now contracting for Department of Defense. I have deployed with Dawkins and the Bible - seriously not kidding. These questions have troubled me for 30 years. Found your site which may answer my big question. Can I still be a Christian after accepting the undeniable, irrefutable data and logic of evolution? And if so, what would that look like? Attend Lutheran Church “old guy” Bible Study. Truly faithful and Godly men - many support Young Earth Creationism. I would never seek to convince any of them of truth of evolution; I would not invite them to share my pain. Not trying to hide my intellectual understanding of evolution, but why have that fight with my brothers? All for now, I may periodically jump in - sincere thanks for all the dialog - actually, it’s overwhelming. Not sure I have enough brain bytes for this :neutral_face:

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While I don’t necessarily agree with the characterization of BioLogos columnists, I do think this is an important and valid observation. (Sorry, Brad, I wasn’t really replying to you, I evidently haven’t had enough practice using the forum yet.)


Us mere mortals with liberal arts degrees are welcome to mix it up with the science types, no worries.

“Evolutionist" should theoretically just mean “one who accepts evolutionary theory”, just as “Copernican” means “one who accepts the science of Copernicus about earth’s place in the solar system.” – Kramer

Not really. Whose theory says that? That’s like conflating Darwinian with Darwinist. Not same.

English language is funny but effective with so many words. Evolutionist is ideologue even if he/she accepts Creation on theology level.

Also, evolutionary differs at evolutionism. Simple linguistics, meaningful difference. Thank you English (pas comme la Francais)!

“BioLogos has rejected that term” = theistic evolutionist. – Kramer

Maybe but it seems not clearly. Still (evolutionary) creationist is also ideologue. Simple English linguistics. Many Biologos reps consider themselves evolutionists, non?

“evolution as science and evolution as ideology/worldview can be separated.” – Kramer

Nice idea! Same with psychology creativity and creationism as ideology/worldview – can be separated. Please send link where this clearly defined on Biologos website because I didn’t find it so far. Thanks.

Obviously, religious word Design said by theologian is not same as design said by scientist. It seems Eddie is religious user (he is religious scholar, no?) of Design, not discerning scientific difference like Biologos people. No empirical program for theological Design. Religious scholar user of Design not same as Behe, Dentom, Axe, etc. pretend scientific. Sorry, too obvious.

That’s why honest people say: “a hopelessly baggage-laden term.” – Old Timer
Yes, well said. Discovery Institute destroyed credibility for anyone promoting their ideology. Past tense.

New thread needed – Why I don’t like the term “creationist”. Stubborn, but helpful accurate English language : ) Even evangelical protestant can refuse ideology - creationism - after learning about it.

What’s the difference between these terms? I’m not sure I understand.

My point is that, when it comes to every other scientific theory, making it into an adjective (“Copernican”) does not imply an ideological agenda. But evolution is different. Like it or not, it is. So that’s why BioLogos doesn’t call itself “evolutionist”.

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What is not to understand? English language distinction is clear as applying suffixes. Maybe you didn’t want clarity though you wrote: “evolution as science and evolution as worldview can be separated.” Can they? Why then second guess that possibility by needlessly conflating Darwinism with Darwinian?

Difference is simple. One science theory, other ideology. People who holds Darwinism ideology called Darwinists. Isn’t it so in your native English language?

Yes of course, term Copernican “does not imply an ideological agenda.” But different Copernicanism, rarely used, would such imply, no? Again, rich English language distinguishes this on purpose. For clarity & communication simplicity.

People who holds evolutionism ideology called evolutionists. professormom no more wants it because this thread : D But she doesn’t then forced to reject evolutionary science. Just not evolutionism. Bravo to English again for clarity!

“Biologos doesn’t call itself evolutionist” - Krameer

Why not make a poll instead of a blanket statement? Several people affiliated & promoted by Biologos self-name as evolutionists. Do you wish to deny this, Kramer, or just you talk about employed people by Biologos in your Michigan non-public offices?

If Biologos really honestly rejects ‘evolutionism’ also then it should of course reject creationism ideology. Simple logic. evangelicals cannot make ownership creationism necessary for community belonging. Orthodox & Catholic Christians wisely reject creationists & creationism as bad worldview, not good or responsible science.

But we know saying this not easy for stubborn (especially former creationist worldview) users who want evangelical family creationists acceptance primarily. who conflate creationism ideology with God’s creation are nonetheless in very shallow & contradictory position. Doesn’t really want separation as claimed above, right? If not ready to distinguish evolutionism & creationism worldviews from science or theological religion, little progress is made.

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