Previously I wrote a post highlighting Michael Behe’s video aiming to answer why don’t more scientists accept ID:
His response was rather shocking to me and in some places, demonstrably false. It was a question inspired by a follower of ID who was surprised that while it was very obvious to them, it was not obvious to the scientists who actually do the studies ID writers talk about. The same question was proposed to Answers in Genesis and here is Ken Ham’s response:
The reasons:
- “Probably at least 70% of professional scientists are non-Christians. We know from Romans 1 that non-Christians have a spiritual bias and deliberately suppress the truth.”
- The public school system ensures they never hear any other hypotheses.
- They don’t read YEC literature. “They’re ignorant.” They argue that if you haven’t read the top twenty AiG YEC hits, you are ignorant. And you don’t want to consider it.
So stop suppressing it dear sinners! If you get mad at YEC, Ken Ham notes that there were those “who wanted to kill Lazarus after Jesus raised him from the dead, so they could get rid of the evidence.”
My Comments
I first heard about this from Joel Edmund Anderson’s blog here:
I made some slides summarizing Young Earth Creationist Cosmology the other day. One thing that struck me about YEC’s aiming to explain cosmology is that there were no experiments being done, no papers being published (in real science journals) and a heavy dose of “well God just made it that way.” I proposed that the YEC Cosmology includes things like:
God created globular clusters 6 thousand years ago with most of the main sequence stars gone such that the main sequence turnoff points are consistent with the age of the universe from the expansion of space. He put in a few neutron stars that typically could only exist after a star ten times the mass of the sun lived for 10 million years and also a few blue stragglers as well for good measure. God also saw fit to give cool stars proper rotation rates consistent with the main-sequence turnoff point and put the proper distribution of radionuclides in galaxies and stars such that when we radiometrically date them, we get the same results at billions of years.
And despite Ken Ham’s accusation that I haven’t read enough YEC writing, I am basing this on YEC writing that I’ve spent more hours than anyone probably ever should and I scour the internet to see what’s the best YEC Cosmology that exists only to find that the emperor has no clothes.
Comments, criticisms, questions welcome!