Specific reply to “T” comment; “In my experience, the vast majority of people claiming that evolution disproves the existence of a Creator are Creationists.”
I can’t speak for your experience, but I would suggest that NO ONE needs to “claim that evolution disproves the existence of a Creator” to assure that no consideration whatsoever of a Creator should ever take place.
All that is needed is to teach evolution as scientific FACT - as it has been taught for at least 50 years.
Anyone of any age or education level who is taught that evolution is the true and only explanation for how life developed, by trusted authority figures, presented as absolute FACT and backed by 99% of all scientists in the world who also “believe it” - would never give the slightest thought to any other possible explanation. Certainly, the concept of “God” or “Creator” would never cross the mind of a person so instructed unless from another source.
Evolution MUST be a FACT to serve the purposes of the naturalistic/materialistic philosophy which has controlled science since Darwin. As Richard Dawkins said, “Charles Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled Atheist.” But NOT the way Darwin presented it with many doubts and arguments against it.
It HAD to become “FACT” to be the “Godsend to Atheists” Huxley and others recognized it had potential to be. Huxley did not agree with Darwin’s central point of gradual change, but that did not stop him from selling the theory as at least “almost certain” and science has been trying to make it an unquestioned FACT ever since, and have largely succeeded.
Today, they are making it possible to HONESTLY claim evolution is a FACT OF ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY - simply by defining it as “any change in alleles over a generation” (microevolution, adaptation or breeding") so they can honestly say things like Richard Dawkins’ famous quote;
“It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).” Richard Dawkins – Zoologist and Atheist “Put Your Money on Evolution” The New York Times (1989)
Absolutely true - but it has nothing to do with real claimed “facts” of evolution. (Macroevolution)
When challenged on this gross misrepresentation - they now simply say “It’s all basically the same thing!”
No, I don’t believe any claim evolution disproves the existence of a Creator - or any mention of the “God thing” - is necessary to assure that atheism is being very effectively taught by simply representing evolution as a scientific FACT!