What I Learned at the First Flat Earth International Conference

Danny Faulkner, of Answers in Genesis, attended the first Flat Earth International Conference, held on November 9–10, 2017 in North Carolina. His stated purpose was simply to research the movement properly; he isn’t a flat-earther himself. (Apparently he doesn’t buy into such foolishness.) Here is the article he wrote about the experience: What I Learned at the First Flat Earth International Conference.

Yes, he had his criticisms of flat-earthism. And no, you can’t make this stuff up. (Hat-tip to the Pandas Thumb blog.)

And in other flat-earth news, A California man is planning to launch himself in a homemade rocket to prove the earth is flat. He might end up proving that gravity is a thing.

He may buy into YEC, but at least he has a brain not to believe in such a thing as a flat Earth.

Update: The rocket launch has been canceled, at least for now.
Read the breaking story here

From another forum, when a poster was asked if he was a flat-earther:

“Not Exactly. I would categorize myself as a: Flat/Non-Spinning/Domed/Geocentric Young Earth Creationist, to be precise.”

They are real, my friends.


Both ideas, in my opinion, have equal merit.


I also learned of this gem of a website: fecore.org. It’s for people who seek the real scientific truth. (My, where have I heard this before?)

You’re not really wrong. Flat Earthers kill science and Christian credibility when they read the Bible literally. Ken Ham and company do the exact same thing.


He was going to go 1800 feet high… as in 6% as high as you can see from an airplane. For a fraction of the cost he could have gotten a really nice camera and taken a bunch of pictures from 30,000 feet high.


Can’t trust the so-called “airlines”. They’ve been pretending to take you to 30,000 ft high all these years, …so they say. But it’s amazing what they can do with flight simulators – as well as simulating your destination experience once you “arrive”.

You should know this because it’s on television for everyone to see. Holodeck technology is real. It’s been kept secret by the Clinton foundation for years now. They keep the power sources for it hidden in the same area where they keep their global heaters running that manufacture their global warming. Post this on facebook now to warn your friends. And make sure to include a link to Poe’s law.


I first heard about the Flat Earth Society in my 8th grade math class in 1961. The Society was first organized in 1904 in England, died out several times when its founders died, and is back in another iteration now
The origin of the Flat Earth Movement was an 1838 experiment to measure the curvature of the earth directly on a six mile straight stretch of canal known as he Bedford Level. A boat was rowed the 6 miles with a flag 3’ above the water. The flag should have been 11’ below the horizon at the end, but the entire boat was still visible, suggesting that the world is actually flat.
The result was due to refraction due to the observing telescope’s having been placed only 8" above the water. No less than Alfred Russel Wallace accepted a challenge in 1870 to prove the earth was not flat. He had been trained as a surveyor, and knew about the refraction problem, so he placed poles 13’ above the water at the 3 and 6 mile points, and set a theodolite at the same height to sight them. As predicted from a 25,000-mile earth, the middle pole appeared to be 3’ higher than the end points.
It is indeed ironic that a YEC can see fallacies in flat earth arguments, but not in YEC ones.

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So is it a good thing when a fringe group is treated to the spectacle of another group that is even more fringe yet? Does that give rise to any necessary introspection? Or on the other hand does it just help them feel more mainstream and in some way validated by the comparison?

It’s just like Disney’s Star Tours attraction.

I don’t know for sure, but it seems like I’ve seen the second option happen a lot – like it becomes a comfort to those who’ve been called “fringe” to be able to point to someone even further to an extreme than them and say “Oh, we’re not fringe – that would be them.”

Kind of like how, while most of us aren’t dirt poor, we often feel like it’s not really our responsibility to help the poor because there are always people who are so much richer than we are.

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I think they tend to consider the flat earthier kindred spirits, persecuted as they are for beliefs that are irrational, but uncompromised.

I just found this fascinating 4-minute video called Meet The People Who Think The Earth Is Flat (HBO). Several lines of thought seem to resonate with these people, including anti-government sentiment, creationism, anti-Catholic thought, etc. It does seem to be heavily influenced by religion. So interesting that their model of earth reflects the one accepted by the ancient near east!


". . . .this is the beginning, this will be put in the history books today.
Mark that date because whether it’s the next generation or the generation after,
they will remember this date. People are taking notice something’s going on."

I’m not quite sure when the fellow said these things…