What exactly is the infamous Unforgivable Sin?

I deny what spirit how? What is freedom? And authority? Apart from you. AH! So there is post mortem evangelism! That is good news. What will it be? What will it tell me? Show me? So I can think and be like you? How’s it going for you now, being under this authority, whatever it is? Can you SHOW ME how morally superior you are now?

And I’ll enjoy it as Jesus is there. He sups with sinners.

what gives you the idea I should be morally superior? I am a sinner like everyone else and hope that I will find grace before God for trying when I leave this world behind. But at least I know who I ask for forgiveness so I am happy to come before that judge.

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If you deliberately do something wrong, that you know to be wrong but you choose to do it anyway, and then choose not to repent, surely that is unforgivable? Not because God is unfair, but because you choose to reject His forgiveness?
But we know that repentance can come at the last minute, eg the thief on the cross.

In my mind morality and righteousness are kind of separate. Morality in the human unregenerated since is considering something right or wrong. Righteousness is the very essence of God, and when a person is reborn through Jesus then he recieves that charactor of the Father in his spirit. He now is righteous and from that he lives a life of loving obedience to the father. That is how God saves us from the power of sin, by living in us. Not our works but His Spirit working in us delivering us from our old master of sin. If we turn away and sell our birthright like Esau did for a bowl of stew (worldly desires) then we may never find repentence again, as the apostle says.

Edited info. When I said “Not our works but His Spirit working in us delivering us…” that does not exclude us working or obeying Him. If we do not obey or submit to the Spirit’s conviction then we will not be made safe from sin or wrath. If we trample on the blood of Christ and do not repent we will be cast out of the Kingdom.

What if your last minute is curtailed by a massive car accident, stroke or the commonest cause of death in the West, dementia? And what if you’re a psychopath? Or an atheist?

That’s nice and lucky for you. I think we’ll all find the experience a tad mind blowing.

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