What are Your Favorite Foods for the Holidays?

Randy…I recognize the typeface. but my MWL has a different cover, is spiral-bound, and packed away somewhere…have spent the last 15 years on various diets that do not list points or calories for MWL recipes…

You are adventurous. I’ve always been the cook in my family, but my focus usually is quick and filling. I’ve been doing Taco Tuesday before it had a name. My poor kids. If you want to try your hand at a tasty challenge, make some sopapillas. This food blog has a recipe that I can’t vouch for, but she has a nice write-up on New Mexico. She mentions Española as an hour south of Taos, which is true, but it’s really next door to Santa Fe. Española is the real Breaking Bad – the meth capital of NM. Anyway, we eat sopapillas with honey, but not for desert. You eat it like bread with the meal to cut the heat. Here’s the recipe:

That happened at Taco Bell for me in 1994. I haven’t eaten there since …

Sugar Coated Pecans are a must-have around our house this time of year. My wife makes dozens of Christmas tins full of them and gives them to friends and family. If you follow the recipe below, I recommend increasing the salt (Kosher only) to 1 teaspoon and increasing the cinnamon to 3/4 teaspoon. It does make a difference!

Sugar Coated Pecans


sounds delish. Of course, you can increase the sugar by a lot, add cream and make pralines…

Steamed pork dumplings and fried rice. (My bride is from Taiwan.)

A holiday drink story. We once had the church over for a Christmas party, and I made two punch bowls of eggnog. One was spiked. I labeled them in what I thought was a very clever way: Presbyterian Nog and Baptist Nog.

The adults got the “joke”.
The kids–they did not. Oops.

I believe the phrase is “hoisted with my own petard.”


ANYTHING that starts with “increasing sugar” and “adding cream” is fine by me :grinning:


Roasted Pecans and Honey Glazed Ham and Sweet Potato’s. I am a simple Mid-Southern fellow. :slight_smile:

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y’all are makin’ me hungry…

Got a couple hours before show time so the menu is of course finally settled and what pre-prep that could be done has been done.

The Duck Adobo will be largely cooked in an instant pot and finished in a large skillet. Got the instant pot just for that purpose (but looking forward to trying other things with it too since our oven is still kaput). I’m using the first method shown here. The two ducks have been but into pieces with the breasts, thighs, drumsticks and wings washed, trimmed and rinsed in cane vinegar ready to start cooking at 3 pm. The rest -the back, neck and trimmings (excluding a lot of fat and skin)- I precooked yesterday so I can start the soup tonight when everyone leaves.

Yesterday I put together the holiday coleslaw inspired by one Lia’s aunt used to make, so it could marinate over night. It is good to go now. I also prebaked the marble sized potatoes which I rolled in olive oil and seasoned. I’ll heat these toward the end.

My sister-in-law had to work tonight so she won’t be coming for the duck adobo. Boo! But I’ll send some home with my brother for her and we’ll drive out to their house tomorrow bringing a pot of soup for them. She was going to bring some jasmine rice but my brother assures me he will bring the rice maker and rice and that he has been cleared to make it himself.

I’ll be making tiny brussels sprouts in butter and horseradish because we always do that for holiday meals. Love them. Something new I’ll be trying is this Japanese dish using burdock root which they call gobo. We had some at a the home of a Japanese friend on a big holiday. There were many great dishes but this stood out for me and I’ve never tried to make it before. But it should go well with the rice my brother Terry is making.

That’s it. Bon appetite everybody and merry Christmas!