What are you asking (metaphoric) Santa for this year?

As of late, I have posted a list of books and such on Amazon that if one so desired, they could pick knowing they would be well received. I find it cuts down on shirts and socks under the Christmas tree.

With that in mind, any books or other gifts you would to receive? I have also put a similar post here the last few years, and enjoy seeing good ideas and what you guys are interested in. My big request this year is N. T. Wright’s new overview of the New Testament. Sort of pricey, but may use it for a small group study at church, having been given the blessing of our pastor to do so.

Thanks in advance for your contributions!


There are still many books on the creation/evolution discussion that I’d love to read, like John Walton’s, and I should read something by N. T. Wright also – “Surprised by Hope” is one that has stood out to me.

Also, though not related to science, Andrew Peterson has a nonfiction book out this year called “Adorning the Dark,” about creativity and faith and I’m sure things he’s learned as a musician too, so that’s definitely on my wish list.


Russel Moore had that book (Adorning the Dark) on his list of favorite books for 2019, and it looks intriguing to me also.

What do you mean by ‘metaphoric’, @jpm? Santa had my letter months ago…


In truth, I needed to buy a new laptop recently since my old one died a death, so that is probably Christmas for me done and dusted.

That said, I am hoping that family will club together to get me Bishop et al, Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective, 2018. Or failing that, maybe, Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis :star_struck:.

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These two were recommended to me by a Rabbi:

Valery Rees - From Gabriel to Lucifer: A Cultural History of Angels

Stefan Hertmans - The Convert

I’d also like:

  • Ross Barnett- Missing lynx, the past and future of Britain’s lost mammals.

  • A good, objective book on OT history (whether minimalist, maximalist or neither). Any recommendations?

Some to buy with a voucher after christmas

  • Benedict Mcdonald - Rebirding

  • Jewish Annotated New Testament

  • Gabriel Said Reynolds - Quran and the Bible

  • Tom Holland - Dominion

My mom used to say “if you don’t believe, he doesn’t bring you anything.” :rofl:

I ordered my mom and mother in law Catherine McNiel’s book, All Shall Be Well. After reading her excerpts I thought they would both like it!

As for me…we do Amazon lists too (my husband and his family all want very specific things, the general item idea won’t cut it). My books list is forever long. I’m trying to make my home/kitchen a little more “green,” so I’ve got a lot of things like reusable silicone bags and stuff to replace one-time-use stuff!

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LIAM! That latin version of Harry Potter has me all :star_struck::star_struck:

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Me too! (I ordered them for my kids to give me for my birthday, which is right after Christmas.) I also got reusable mesh produce bags to complement my collection of reusable shopping bags. Here is one other thing that I have gotten (and actually used a lot :wink: ) and has been super useful instead of plastic wrap for short-term covering of containers in the fridge and paper towels to prevent spatters in the microwave: Amazon.com


I’ve got the stretchy ones on my list, but wondering if these are better? haha

I also love that you order yoru own birthday presents from your children.

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Not as :star_struck: as I was when I opened it on Christmas Day! Shame it wasn’t delivered by an owl.
