@Christy (@jpm & @pevaquark)
It is not my intention to over-sell, though I am sure my enthusiasm for the “theoretical benefits” of Genealogical Adam does incline me to be ahead of the curve. I hope I am only temporarily ahead of the curve. But I must confess that there is a possibility that @Swamidass’ efforts to find widespread acceptance for Genealogical Adam amongst Creationists may not go as far as any of us would like.
But I do stand firm behind my sincere belief that Genealogical Adam offers Creationists something they have not had in a very long time: a way for Christians who are engaged in professions of Science, and a way for Christians who generally support Evolutionary science, to accept Special Creation of two humans (Adam & Eve) without requiring all the fields of science to be overturned.
Pursuant to this unique accomplishment, Joshua has started to record Creationist endorsements. Below is a link to 2 OEC and 1 YEC scholars (so far) who are willing to take a stance on Genealogical Adam (Posting #1455 of this thread):
When we have more to add, eventually we’ll be able to set up a dedicated thread for these endorsements.