You have maybe seen this before, Nick, but I think it answers some of those questions:
Craig and I discuss death and the futility built into this creation starting about here.
You have maybe seen this before, Nick, but I think it answers some of those questions:
Craig and I discuss death and the futility built into this creation starting about here.
Excuse me Anthony. Didn’t we meet on Titan centuries ago? I thought you sounded familiar. How’s the wife and kids? Heard any out of this world jokes lately? You knew how to tell em. I’m on vacation. Headed back to Andromeda next year. Everybody is retiring over there. I’ll be on high level security until the war is over. I’ve got my money on the xortzkousz’.
Why not?
Electrons are waves. No wait. Electrons are particles. These both can’t be right, can they?
You really should choose a more difficult example. LOL
Seriously. People can convince themselves of just about anything!
Do you think Jesus and Allah can both exist at the same time?
How would you chose to convince yourself that I’m actually an alien from another galaxy? Please enlighten me. This I have to hear LOL
Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. Both the Muslims and the Christians believe in God and believe in Jesus. Didn’t you know that?
The same way anybody else chooses to convince themselves of something. First they start by looking for reasons for believing such a thing.
Yes but Muslims dont believe Jesus is god
And? That doesnt even get you 1% of the distance required. What else?
I read the link.
Ill ask you the same question again. What are you going to do about the evil that has mastery over you, how are going to get free from it? What about your lusts, hatred, anger, coveting the things of this world, lying, taking things that aren’t yours, how will you be freed from them? Who has the authority to forgive you of the evil you’ve done? Who must you go to for freedom from your sins. You, we, need a different nature living in us. We need someone who has the authority and power to forgive us and free us from sin. Jesus died in our place and rose from death so that we could be literally born of God. Our spirit recreated with God’s righteousness. We need someone who is seated at the right hand of God speaking on our behalf. We need someone who is sinless as our representative to The Almighty God. Jesus alone was sinless. Jesus alone can be our representative. The Son of God is salvation. Him living in us is our only hope of eternal life. Only thru Jesus is there forgiveness of sins. The Father showed His acceptance of Jesus offering of His life blood by raising Him from death. God foretold Jesus coming, his death for our sins and His resurrection. He was foretold long before He came. He gives the Spirit of God to live in those who trust in Him. There is no other name by which we can be saved from sin and from our just punishment for all the evil we have done. Jesus said, "Come to me all who are burdened and heavy ladden come to me and i will give you rest. All have been burdened with sin, only Jesus, the Son of God can give you rest.
This is like asking if Nixon and “Tricky Dick” can both exist at the same time. There can be different narratives (and have more supported and less supported claims) that all still refer back to the same person (or Deity).
If they have a Messiah figure that comes back from the dead and continues transforming lives - changing the world, and generally carrying on with a coherent message of hope and love that also makes some transformative sense of all that came before [including speaking truth to power] - then … yeah! I’ll be looking quite seriously into what they have to offer!
Thats all and good mr. Dale. But it answers nothing from ym original question. Things is this could have been avoided. The “imperfect” creation coukd have been avoided. He knew it would be like that even before he created us.
Thats not how it works Mervin.
Hindus have deites with some kind of the same traits. They also claim to have changed their lives. Do you consider becoming a Hindu?
We are the only religion who have God himslef walking on earth. That he existed. We are the only religion which God comes down to human needs and standars to meet us and God calls us to make a pact with him.
Its God who tries tk reach us. In the other religions its you trying tl reach God
How though? The only way it could have been avoided is if God either took away free will or either took away accountability from sin. If God leaves us free will, then we make the choices.
Dont see the problem here
And also God is God. He might have though another way
You cant possibly say that God creating a entity he loved ,then that entity proved corrupt because they had the choise to chose evil is the explanation? Why did Evil exist in the first place? For sin to be available to chose someone has to create it.
Its like me creating drugs and then say “Ohh thats not my responsibility. Its yours if you take them. But i create it just as to see if you will”. Its stupid
Sin is not a being. Sin is a byproduct of free will. There is no other way. Not even for God. God can’t create something that can’t exist in reality. You can’t create beings with free will who can’t choose evil.
If there was no accountability for sin the world would be worse. Just as much evil would occur,’only none of it would be judged because God never would have stated righteousness versus sinfulness.
Drugs are created nowadays and are given specific rules. It’s not the doctors responsibility if someone ignores all the rules and abuses the drugs and dies because of it when it could have been easily prevented to not take them.
Bold words for the Creator of the universe. Sincr you are not God id have to say you dknt know
Youre not God though. Only he knows if he can. I believe he could. How? I dont know. Feel free to disagree.
You dont know man. You dont know if it will
I dont think MdMA etc etc drugs are in this spectrum lol
I don’t have to be God to know God can’t create something that can’t exist. It’s common sense. It’s not bold or crazy. You can’t create contradicting realities like that.
Such as God cannot create:
And he also most definitely can’t create a being with free will who don’t not have choices.
As stated before all sin is a choice. Every time.
I’m not sure which copy thread the OP finally answered about sin and picked envy or lust but it works here too.
Take adultery which is a sin. God did not create adultery. It’s a byproduct of free will. Humans evolved and at some point we were beings that in our need to survive wanted to pass on our genes to our offspring. As we climbed the ladder of emotional intelligence and cognitive processing we were able to overcome instincts by choice.
So we as humans have these hardwired traits and none of them is evil.
A evolutionary biological drive to pass on genes to our offspring.
We are able to develop our own sense of sexual attraction. We have preferences and ect… we see people we find attractive and it’s beyond our control.
Our species occasionally gets turned on and we want to have sex when it happens.
So wanting to have kids and make love to someone you find beautiful is not evil. It’s neutral and 100% ok. But God lines out how he believes it needs to be done.
He says sex needs to be reserved for a married couple. God says don’t lust after people. Lust is not merely finding someone attractive or feeling turned on. Lust is when you actively engage in sexual fantasies about someone who is not your spouse. You have to take control of your thoughts and actions. Train yourself to not objectify and view someone as just a tool to get what you want.
So a person, who has free will can abuse these natural things and they can disobey God. Instead of stopping fantasies they can indulge in them nonstop. Instead of getting married and then having sex they can choose to just have sex with them. Some people can even go as far as forcing themselves on to others. All of these things are humans choosing to use free will for food or for evil. It’s not things created by God but choices made by mankind.
Wow i suppose you share the same mind of God huh? How can you know what a spirit is able to do? Its common sense for you not for God. He doesnt have a human brain.
He allowed humans to humiliate him. He literally created something that can go against all his intended morals and actions.
And my final point is: If God couldnt do otherwise then yes id rather not have free will. Who whould rather have free will and leave in this world? Everyone in their right mind would give away their free will to just be in heaven. Or for this world to be heaven
Logical fallacies are still logical fallacies even for God.
No I would not trade my life on earth to be in heaven. I enjoy my life.
Jesus was humiliated and died and then raised back to life by the father. God never died. The Bible says God can’t die.
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