Unobservability of an Uncaused Cause

Until God determines otherwise, we’re all we’ve got.

Regardless of whether it’s a spot on your lawn, a blip in the quantum void, or the twinkle of light at the edge of the known universe, this observable change was either caused by some other change to which the same question applies, or the change just happened, or it was caused by something that can affect change without changing.

I have no reservation with considering whether our universe was caused by the black hole in another universe, to which that universe was caused by another universe. The only thing I would say is absolutely impossible is an infinite number of universes. Anyone who believes in the possibility of an actual infinite quantity has mistaken the symbol of it disappearing into space for what’s supposed to be an actual reality.

While an infinite number of things is impossible, an infinite being is not only possible, but necessary.

Nothing. Frank Closes’s very short introduction on it was super interesting. While nothing as “no objects” is conceivable, however difficult it has proven to grasp even in very limited frames of reference.

But if by nothing, someone means “no being” or “non-being”, that most definitely cannot exist. It’s like talking about the existence of non-existence. Therefore, there is a necessary, eternal, and infinite being.

The irony is that if we exist, so then does an objective universe, and the cause of it as outside us.

So much confidence that you’ve taken the measure of the cosmos and that it will - must - confine itself to the concepts of one earthling hominid. You could be right. Who knows or ever could. Speculation costs nothing and runs no risk. I used to want to have the really, really big picture. Now I prefer life on the human scale. Might be the early onset of senility. :wink:


Suppose life continues in the really, really big picture. There is a danger in denying the objective evidence we have that clearly demonstrates the Causer’s interventions into real time and space, pointing quite definitively and explicitly to the fact that he is the Christian God, and thus that Jesus is the Way.

So that first sentence should actually segue into the second as “Since life continues in the really, really big picture, there is a danger…”

It is evidence of a shortsightedness and the peril of temporal contentment.

Why ironic?

Universes don’t cause universes. Infinity is the first absolute corollary of eternity which is axiomatic of existence. How you know otherwise is beyond rationality, as it is in all Cosmological Arguments.

“Without a contradiction, I have through mere pure concepts a priori no mark of impossibility.” Kant

Yes he was pretty confidant too. Of course he is also the guy who thought it was morally inferior to visit your ailing mother in the hospital out of love and concern than to do so out of duty.

Can you act and cause an observable event?

Fingers snap, muscles, contract, nerves twitch or something like that…

I’d say the real offense (in that respect) is to treat other people like don’t exist when you believe they do.

I don’t see the relevance.

Do you mean in regard to Kant’s position that duty and not care is the higher motivation morally speaking? If so I’m not sure I quite follow.

Something about the way you said universes don’t cause universes, made me wonder whether you would hesitate to affirm that you can cause another thing.

While I think one of the great moral truths is that we can take pleasure or experience happiness in the well being of another, what I meant about the real offense, or fact, or categorical imperative, is that thing I said is one of things that’s necessarily wrong.

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The other great offense is loving what is not most lovely, as if it was.

John Piper’s book Desiring God is such a great help to read before doing an intro to ethics. And it’s a real wonder to learn about an age old dilemma, and see how God’s love for himself resolves it.

Why would I? I don’t see the analogy. Universes don’t breed.

The creation of one universe in the black hole of another isn’t that out there. But the causing of an action by something that can affect change without changing is on an entirely different order.

Yeah, all manner of pseudoscience and non-science, science fiction, science fantasy is out there. Syntax vs. semantics again. Black holes evaporate by Hawking radiation. Energy is conserved,

The massive time dilation of the rebound is enough to be a universe unto itself.