Two Ways the Origins Debate Needs to Change

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Thank you for this, Mr Davis. I’ve enjoyed your posts in the past, and feel this is very appropriate.

I wonder often what makes me so afraid of being wrong that I have a tendency to browbeat and snark. Is it a fear of being wrong (that leads to multiple denominational divisions)? Is it a primal security urge?

Randal Rauser proposed a debate in which the Christian and atheist argue from each other’s positions–an intriguing way to discuss.

Thanks for your blessing.

PS I appreciate the lists of calm-headed proponents–Todd Wood, Nelson, etc.
My family is all YEC. I am probably going to watch G: PL with them, and would like to focus on them.
The trailer is rather scary. It demonizes Darwin as a liar–when, as Denis Lamoureux showed, he struggled with honest reflections of what he learned. I think it’s a good jumping point to confirm, as you say, that we all can come to different conclusions honestly.

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Please help me decipher “G: PL,” Randy. Sounds like something I should know about, but I don’t.

I appreciate your expressions of appreciation! I’m glad this post struck a good nerve.

Sorry! I just learned about Genesis: Paradise Lost from the post from Mike Beidler. thanks.

Just a few reactions to your excellent observations and advice:

Sadly, the truth is often one of the first casualties in culture wars. Far too many people “spin” the facts in order to “win” a cultural battle and to fit a preconceived belief or notion that they are prepared to defend at nearly any cost.

I very much appreciated your series on Understanding Creationism. It is hard for those unfamiliar with the history of these debates to see the bigger picture, which includes the culture war context. The truth, as you point out, is often the first casualty when what should have been a dialogue is framed instead by the rhetoric of “battle” and “war.”

Apart from changing the tone of the conversation, what else can be done to make progress in the midst of culture wars? One thing is to get past soundbites in an effort to bring more depth to the debates.

An important point. Slogans may get you to the White House, but they don’t get you to the truth.

Even though I no longer have the same role as Fellow for the History of Science, my work for BioLogos has not ended. In addition to taking on a new role as a member of the Advisory Council, I’ll still write the occasional column and be part of BioLogos Voices.

Many will miss your voice here. Don’t wait for the “special occasion” to let it be heard!

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