The Unbelievable Tale of Jesus' s Wife

She seemed to believe that the fragment belonged to a document in the genre that scholars refer to as “gnostic gospels.” This genre emerged in the 2d - 4th centuries, and claimed to root itself in the legitimate tradition established by Jesus, rather than the illegitimate one created by those alleged poseurs, the apostles. It includes documents such as Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Barnabas, Gospel of Peter, etc. Given the names of the other gnostic writings, attributing the fragment to a hypothetical “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” does not seem outlandish to me.

Of course, the legitimacy of the attribution assumes you have done your provenance homework, which King did not do. Moreover, it runs the risk of appearing–to the casual observer who is not familiar with the scholarship–to support the original gnostic claims that the canonical gospels are illegitimate.

Just to ensure I am not misunderstood, let me reaffirm my commitment to the four canonical gospels as the legitimate expression of Jesus’ life and teaching, worthy of my devotional reading and obedience as well as my scholarship. The gnostic gospels are interesting to study insofar as they provide insight into the shape of the marketplace of ideas in that historical period; however, they are not inspired and not worthy of devotional reading and obedience.

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Naming the putative source of an unprovenanced fragment “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife”, while claiming you’re not saying the fragment provides any evidence that Jesus was married, is a bit silly.

Here’s another article on this controversy published in First Things. It was written by Grant Kaplan, associate professor in the department of theological studies at Saint Louis University:


[Irony warning]

You can tell that guy’s a religious bigot - he doesn’t even believe the Da Vinci Code is true, for goodness sake! Just because one manuscript gets retracted… as Jerry Coyne would say, that’s just science being self-correcting (well, yes, actually it’s science being corrected by old fashioned journalism, but let that pass).

The trouble with religious types like that is that when it looks like they were right all the time, they just keep on believing the same old thing…

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Oh no, a human scientist! I thought they were all above this sort of thing.