Sure, but to make God’s de novo creation a scientific model is a no go.
If evidence pops up that there is way too much genetic diversity amongst humans for any Adam and Eve before 100 kya no problem- the mutation rate was just higher and the original pair got a boost is genetic diversity.
Shared ancestry evidence beyond all reasonable doubt- God put homologous ERVs, Alu Elements and such there for a reason in shared locations with other closet related species. What reason, nobody can say but He did it, not ‘natural mechanisms’ that He made and upholds. Of course when it turns out some of these have a positive benefit, they were put there on purpose. But when some of these have a negative benefit, its because of the fall and evidence of genetic entropy.
Are we too closely related to chimpanzees genetically? Make the number lower, low enough that people feel happy. But what does that number mean? What number should we expect? Nobody knows when you include CNV (copy number variation)/gene duplication (full or partial)/etc. However we do know the point mutation rate very well and can compare that. That was highlighted multiple times (with the BL blog post) and just above by @glipsnort. Remarkably this number matches quite well with when we shared a common ancestor and looking at single point differences reveals the same mechanisms behind such diversity between humans today is what explains the differences between us and chimpanzees.
Unless you include supernatural mutation rates and other such things. Since you are already including supernatural intervention into your model that impacts such a crowd literally zero. Maybe some people will feel a bit challenged by it, but it’s no big deal for God to have mutation rates 5-80x what they were in the past for every year on average and in the modern era its slowed down. Because when you include God in scientific models, you can literally make Him do anything you need Him to for your model to be right!