The time scale of the bottleneck?


I’m not sure I’m following your point.

Do you think you could convince @agauger or @RichardBuggs that “… the idea of TMR4A is rather ridiculous from a purely scientific perspective. Not that the idea itself is not scientifically sound, it very much is and can be calculated, but you would never have two individuals that have two alleles at every loci that are different from their spouse…” ?

First, there is the phrasing you use: “… ridiculous from a purely scientific perspective…” I assume you mean that it is as ridiculous as the idea of Mary, the mother of Jesus, giving birth to a God? Or that it is ridiculous as the idea that Jesus was resurrected from his execution, and rose into the heavens on a cloud? This kind of ridiculousness?

Isn’t it really more to the point that the creation of Eve would be perceived as intentionally complimentary to the creation of Adam? If I were a Creationist, that’s what I would assume happened.

But let’s not get fixated on what is or isn’t ridiculous from a “purely scientific perspective”. Giving the assumption on alleles as you describe, we still get a 500 kya (looking at TMR4A) … which is virtually useless to any Young Earth Creationist or Old Earth Creationist that I know.

In any case, I certainly agree with your earlier comment (above) that “there is no evidence of any serious Homo sapien bottleneck [i.e., 1 mated pair]” … [with the addition of one little qualifying phrase] … any time within the last 500,000 years, which extends the timeline back before the rise of Homo sapiens.