The Scandal of the Evangelical Church- 2022 edition

@beaglelady is right … this forum isn’t the place to list out what sorts of people you do or don’t find attractive. I removed that portion of Skov’s content … and also removed the posts re-quoting and discussing that here. Thanks for calling our attention to it.


I did a google-search for “what the bible says about age differences in marriage” and nothing at all indicates that it is addressed (that I could find, at any rate).
What Does the Bible Say About Age Differences In Marriage?

Might be worth considering the life spans at the time, too. If people were going to live long enough to procreate, they really needed to start much earlier than we do now.


This reminds me of what I heard recently about early humans, life expectancy was 25 and they were considered adults by 12.

I felt it was relative to the question posted about challenging anyone to change their attraction to genders. Just pointing that’s a bit silly because many people are not attracted to all body types even of the genders they are attracted to. We all have preferences and those preferences are based off of nurture just as much as nature. There are some body types some of us are not attracted to. Not just specific genders.

That should be safe and not make anyone feel bad or insecure.

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I don’t think the Bible does talk about it. But we know what many cultures have done including those in that part of the world at that time. But just because it’s not addressed does not mean it’s ok. It’s still disgusting.

…and is likely a manifestation of a named disorder!

Early humans means ~60,000 y.a. Circa Christ, life expectancy was only 40, but infant mortality was the proximate cause of that, and once reaching the age of 15, average life was ~55 or so.

Perhaps, but remember the above. Once of age, life looked better.

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The reference was to the time when hunting meant, we were jumping on the back of animals to club them senseless. Puberty meant you had come of age.

200 years ago, 18 meant a person was an adult, today it’s more like 21.

Understood. I guess my definition should have been ‘archaic humans’ were those >60,000 y.a.
And it seems that today, we are re-defining the term ‘adult’, aren’t we? Puberty doesn’t apply any more…ask the 40 y.o. living at home with mommie and with no job.

Even with our technological development, there’s something fundamental to the emotional development of the 12 yo boy being taken from the mother by the tribal fathers.

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