The Reformation and the Rise of Science

[The Reformation and the Rise of Science]( , an article by [Peter Harrison](

Says Father Joel Daniels, an Episcopal priest,
Harrison is a historian always worth reading on the relationship of religion and science over the centuries, and he recently wrote an article about the way in which the Reformation affected how the West thinks about the scientific enterprise. There was nothing inevitable about the social legitimization of science over against theology, and yet here we are. Harrison - along with another favorite, John Hedley Brooke - helps us understand how that happened.

An Australian Laureate Fellow and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Queensland, Harrison is the author of seven books, including The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science and The Territories of Science and Religion.

(Note that ABC refers to an Australian broadcasting company, not our own ABC in this country)

[Well this post is a mess, but I must walk the dogs right now!]

If a link is the first post, ideally, you are supposed to pose a question or provide a nugget from the linked content to stimulate discussion. Something more than just, “read this link.”

Still working on this!


As I have been studying Franciscan theology I came across some interesting things. Bonaventure, Duns Scotus and Roger Bacon all had an emphasis of finding things related to God in the world. The study of the world was one of the first steps in prayer and finding a reason for God’s existence. Bacon studied optics. Some other notable Franciscans became involved with study of the natural world and science because of this belief.

If the Reformation did contribute to the rise of science then I think they were following in the footsteps of others long before.


Of course. 

It must have something to do with posts that have to do with the Reformation…!

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