It is a great irony that we find an entirely unambiguous example of IC at the very moment of biological life – the translation of information inside the cell.
So what does his lab do and where does he publish his work?
He is Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.
If something is in a science book, it should be about the natural world OR about why only the natural world can be addressed in the book.
Otherwise it sounds too much like the famous warning label or the Dover statement.
I am not dismissive of statements such as these, but I think they deal with profound aspects - it takes a lot of effort and time to work though the implications, and I do not wish to confine my musings to genetics. My contemplations have reached the stage where I ask, “How is it that we human beings can access the Universe”? It requires a model in which a human being is part of the objects he/she examines to know, and yet establishes a “knower/known/knowable” setting (awkward but a short way to say this).
Thus far, while I think I may have made some progress on the intelligibility of the creation, I am inclined to view it all as the celestial mystery that orthodox Christianity speaks of.
Fair enough.
regards …
That’s all great. Which IDers pursued the origin of the function of the flagellum after it was deemed “irreducibly complex”?
And what do we do with that?
To satisfy your fears, the question is "How many said, “No its not”?
What do we do with knowledge?
Generally, we incorporate it.
I agree with the general premise that the incredible complexity of the simplest cells does indeed imply an intelligent Designer. But from the small understanding, the majority of ID proponents use the implication of a Designer to preclude the possibility of His using evolution as a tool. I recognize that the general scope of ID does not address age of the earth, but why do a vast majority of ID proponents reject the most obvious method of His design process? I have heard mention of ID proponents that do not reject the possibility of “macro” evolution, but I have been unable to find writings from any of them.
I know that, but I asked what his lab does and where he publishes his work, since you said he has not walked away from biological discovery.
Really? Okay.
That’s really good, but not quite good enough. It should lead to further inquiry…
Biosemiosis made the claim that Michael Behe “as far as anyone knows, has not walked away from biological discovery.”
So I’m asking him to back up that claim.