The Mass Shootings Where Stricter Gun Laws Might Have Made a Difference

Atheists are no more violent than anybody else.

It was not so long ago when Protestant Germany under the Nazis decided that Jews, Slavs, and others didn’t have the right to exist. And they slaughtered millions.

You tend to look at people differently, when you realize there’s a real possibility of being absolutely alone.

Please explain what you mean.

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I wish we didn’t just have to imagine this. I have close friends who are supporting members of the NRA, and I do know from them that there is a wealth of usable knowledge and positive advice that the organization could use to help address the problems that have arisen because of our weapons-saturated culture here. But the organization refuses to come to the table with anything but the totally delusional “You’re just trying to take all our guns away” paranoia - and a subsequent refusal to support or participate in working toward any solution at all. Would!, oh would that we actually had both of our major political parties here actually caring about … at least just our children, since asking all parties to care about life in general seems to be too high a moral bar for some to reach.


Could be. I think only around 1/3rd of American adults own guns. The majority of gun owners never commit crimes et their guns. The bulk of gun crimes are carried out by those with stolen guns. Even most who don’t own a gun still seems to support gun ownership. I personally don’t own a gun anymore. I’m not anti guns by any means. I enjoy going to shooting ranges with friends and outside of real guns I enjoy paintball and airsoft. I use to use my paintball gun for defense. It works. Can shoot like 150 balls with the one I had. Had someone try to steal tools from my truck before and shot the dude like 6 times with the paintballs and it hurt him but was not deadly. He got found and arrested and had several bruises and welts. He rose up on the first three and begin to run of at the last three got him. We were about 12 feet apart. It was breaking skin. I feel far more safe having my paintball gun as defense than a actual gun. My paintball bullet can’t travel through a wall and most likely will never kill someone. They even sell pepper balls and all kinds of stuff. Most likely no one will ever have a gun and trying to kill me from 20+ feet away. So in almost every case they are well within a painful hit with a paintball. The dude I hit was even holding a pick ax he snatched out of my truck. Which is pretty deadly if within hitting range. I think more Americans souls consider using non lethal weapons. Even our police should try to use nonlethal weapons more often. Ironically there seems to be more regulation over non lethal weapons than leather weapons half the time.

They have hoppers for rifle type guns along with magazines for the and handgun style. The bullets range from what’s used in games to riot control. They have steel and rubber balls, powder balls , and solid plastic balls. It’s pretty effective for self defense. Obviously you don’t want to use pepper balls inside but they air great for outside. You can buy these preloaded paintball magazines that come in different colors for different rounds.

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Good information. Thanks

You also see yourself a little differently. That probably needs more explaining than the first…

Like that’s never happened?

If you ever google paint ball home defense and ect… you’ll see all kinds of options . The have $300-$2000 for a decent one. Plus you can always use the play bullets and go to a competition with them. Which is a pretty fun family friendly sport. When I was in the army we use to do it all the time. Entire families including 10-12 year old girls and have fun. There are rules about distance and stuff tone it down.

But within defense they have AK style paintball guns for around $1k that can be zeroed in at around 250 feet that can release 10-15 rounds a second of rubber coated steel balls. The can break noses. But aiming center mass it’s jut going sting and bruise. It’s painful enough people want to et away from them. It’s why they use those rubber coated bullets in prisons against dozens of inmates at once. You can see the genral effectiveness of pepper balls all over YouTube as well.

For $250-500 you can a lift weight and really useful for under 50 feet handgun style paintball. I need to get some more. About 2-3 years ago while riding my bike ( was a trex bicycle) I stopped to use a porta John and in just 10-15 seconds amens ran up and got on my bike which had my back back and toe off. Luckily I had my wallet and cell phone. But they got my $500 paintball handgun, about $100 in rounds, a few knives that were a few hundred dollars total , a few field guides and portable chargers and of course my bike that was a few months old and was $950. I tried chasing them for like 2 miles. Kept them in my vision but you can pedal way faster than you can run and I lost sight. There was 50 miles worth of biking trails with dozens of entrances that spear between 2 towns all connected and so never seen any of it again.

It would work in a perfect world to ban all firearms, but in reality, it does not work that way. You would end up just like what we have in South Africa, where law abiding citizens becomes disarmed, and the criminals have the weapons!

The vast majority of us all [speaking of our situation here in the U.S.] who even just want some slight restrictions … any at all - even as inconsequentially little as those will be forced to be … it appears we don’t even have the political will to do even just this! And you think that some tiny radical fraction of the left who might still be pushing for “total ban of everything” has any shot at all at prevailing?

Meanwhile … in the real world, I can show you many classrooms and scenes of tragedy where the consequences of those unwarranted fears are playing out for real.


We can’t blame gun violence on lack of religion. The USA is very religious and violent as hell. But the Scandinavian countries aren’t religious at all yet have very little gun violence.

I remember one meme that blamed gun violence on removing forced prayer in school. But what kind of monster god would that be, who withdraws protection for that reason?

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I’d like to hear your explanations, if you have them.

I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you

Evidence of that is quite abundant in Cambodia (they were used for executions in the '80s to save bullets).

That’s called a bad day. Sorry for your loss.

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