The Exodus no or little evidence

Rewinding, I see that Manu=Noah=Gilgamesh etc, a motif that emerged in the PIE religion. Unlike the Exodus, which is strictly a Jewish myth.

Klax. Once again, please respond to the 5 points one by one. If you don’t have a response then please admit instead of bringing new dimension like Gilgamesh that only tells of a past flood. I have put in effort to consolidate the points and I think I am justified in seeking a faithful response. After all it is only faith that matters, isn’t it. Thx

I am at it. Bless me again please. It is a hard walk.

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Names fly in the air. York becomes new york. We need arcgaeological evidences to place the pre.exodus Bible in America.

There’s no need mate, the trunk of the tree is PIE. Language. Where that diverges, culture follows, as in the unique Jewish Exodus.

There is need my dear faithful. You saw no point. So I gave 5 points. Please faithfully respond to these. Then I am happy to take on Gilgamesh an language. But are you being faithful in not responding to points and brining up new points as if you have replied to the earlier ones? Does the faith in truth stop just before this?

I’m dealing with the point from which all the points emerge. The PIE point. Or point PIE.

It is good that at least u see a point in pie. Thank you. That is a huge progress from not seeing a point at all. Now, kindly show how the five points mentioned by me emerge from pie. Also please explain why you put language above geology, geography and archaeology that, in my humble view, are less amenable to change and capture than language. I have posted on language in this thread but I will surely respond once I see your point about pie. But no more new points like Gilgamesh please. Look forward to pursuit of truth faithfully.

Gilgamesh=Manu=Noah, that’s all in the PIE. The Exodus isn’t.

No bouncing. Show connection of 5 points with pie instead of making false and unfaithful prophetic statements. You always ignore where you have no answers and go in tangent to avoid the truth. That is your faith. Thx and have a good day.

There is nothing to ignore. PIE explains everything. You are ignoring that.

We need archaeological evidence for a lot of things. What’s a pre-exodus Bible?

You have not explained the relevance of pie for the 5 points but keep on saying I am ignoring. Pie does not explain anything at the time of Noah. Pie diverged from the Caucasus c. 1500 bce while Noah is placed at c. 3000 bce. Actually you have no link of pie and Noah, and in order to escape the truth you keep on bouncing into new areas. Great faith this is.

The Torah before the exodus. My study says that the Hebrews left Indus valley at the time of the exodus. The history thereafter has no connection with the Indus valley. Hence I used the term pre.exodus.

Your Noah is, our Noah is 2348 BCE. PIE was extant to then, rounded, and even covers your Noah. Our Exoduses are both post-PIE.

You mean the Torah existed before the Exodus?

That would be Genesis.

You aren’t allowed to say that.

I don’t respond to your PMs. You are not guaranteed privacy.

What is the relevance to the 5 points, my dear faithful?

You could put something on Wikipedia.