The exact date when the noah flood happened. // la fecha exacta cuando ocurrió el diluvio de noé


The bible indicates the exact date when the Noah flood occurred; but before exposing the biblical answer, it is good to know when it did NOT HAPPEN. Theology -based on the patriarchal ages- affirms that the flood occurred in the year 2.324; a.C; in that case; The question is: What happened to the pyramids of Egypt? since they were built in the year 2,800 years BC; approximately and if the flood occurred 400 years later, the waters of the flood would have left VISIBLE FOOTPRINTS of this flood in the pyramids and being the first recorded in the list by the scribe and Greek poet Antipater de Sidón; who is credited with having documented THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD; he would have made reference highlighting and exalting these pyramids, saying: The flood devastated everything, except with the pharaonic pyramids. And something else; if the flood had occurred on that date that theology says; Then: what happened to the pharaohs? since they started their dynasty in the year 3,100; a.C; with Pharaoh Menes, and theology says that the flood occurred in the year 2.324; a.C; about 800 years before the flood; if so, then apart from Noah and his family, the pharaohs were also saved, because they reigned until about 350 BC; that is; about two thousand years after the flood. This indicates that theology has no historical foundation and much less biblical foundation. It is more reasonable to believe that the flood occurred before the Egyptian pyramids were built. Science has placed the flood a little farther from 5,000 years to 10,000 years BC; despite the remoteness of these dates, she, like theology, has also erred in her calculations; because science knows that today there are more than thirty million species in the entire planet and 10,000 years is a very short period for the species that entered the ark of Noah, EVOLUTION to achieve this gigantic number since the ark could not accommodate thirty million species. However; what happened 12,000 years ago a.C; up to 3,000 years BC; it was the flood of coastal cities, because science knows that these years were the end of the ice age; But these floods have nothing to do with Noah’s flood. And something else; science also knows that there are caves in various parts of the world where there are paintings made by humans, which are dated 18,000 years old and others that go beyond 32,000 years BC; So, how do you explain that these paintings were preserved without presenting any damage? for all biblical readers know that the waters of the flood covered Everest and the Himalayas, which are the highest mountains in the world, as the bible says: AND THE WATERS OF THE FLOOD RISE VERY MUCH UPON THE EARTH AND ALL THE MOUNTAINS THAT WERE UNDER THEM HEAVENS WERE COVERED. FIFTEEN UPPER CODES RISE THE WATERS, AFTER THEY COVERED ALL THE MOUNTAINS. Gén 7: 19-20. This indicates that IF science told the truth; all the caves where these paintings are flooded and by reasonable logic, all the paintings would have DAMAGED; for this reason it is easier to believe that the flood occurred before these paintings dating from 32,000 BC; were made by the human hand. But there is something even more striking; to show that these dates that mention theology and science are wrong, is the footprint left by the asteroid or meteorite fallen in Arizona, about 50,000 years ago; If the flood had occurred after this great impact - which left an immense crater more than a kilometer in diameter and more than a hundred and sixty meters deep - the waters of the flood would have erased all traces of this great impact, but until today the mound remains intact and at the bottom of the crater there is no trace of mud that would have left a flood of that magnitude. All this indicates that the flood occurred BEFORE this great impact. So when did the flood happen? The Bible says textually: God says to Noah: AND AS TO YOU IT TAKES ALL KINDS OF FOOD THAT ARE EATEN AND YOU HAVE TO COLLECT THEM AND WILL SERVE YOU FOOD FOR YOU AND FOR THEM. Gén 6:21 This verse is crucial to know exactly when the flood occurred. What Noah was going to eat was also going to eat the animals. God told him: you have to pick them up. and the word here is: ASAP; (collect to collect at a collection point to be stored) and the most important thing is that this word ASAP, is an indicator of what is sown and harvested (vegetables, vegetables, fruits, tubers, etc) this word ASAP, It is not an indicator of what is HUNTED, as animal meat is, because animal meat is not collected. ASAP. This also indicates that all those who entered the ark were vegetarians (humans and animals) as the bible says in Genesis. 1: 29-30. Let’s read: AND GOD SAID TO THEM: (TO ADAM AND TO EVE) I HERE HAVE GIVEN THEM ALL GREEN PLANT THAT GIVES SEED, AND EVERY TREE IN WHICH THERE IS FRUIT; YOU WILL BE TO EAT. AND TO ALL BEAST OF THE EARTH, AND TO ALL THE AVE OF HEAVEN AND IN ALL THAT IS LIFE: ALL GREEN PLANT WILL BE TO EAT THEM. As you may have noticed, in the garden they were all Vergetarians; there were no carnivores here. This is paradise!!! If Adam and Eve had been carnivores - God who is not wrong - I would have put them in an HATO instead of an ORCHARD. Knowing all this now we only need to know when the human EVOLVED a carnivore ?. The bible has the answer in Gén. 9: 1_3. (after the descent of the ark) we read: God blessed Noah and said: … every bird of the heavens, everything that creeps and moves on the earth, all the fish and everything that moves and lives, WILL BE OF YOU FOOD, just like when I gave you VEGETABLES AND GREEN PLANTS so I gave you everything. God at this moment in history AUTHORIZES Noah and his family to be carnivores. 100,000 Hundred Thousand Years ago, homo sapiens was carnivorous, a million and a half years ago homo habilis was carnivorous, two million three hundred thousand years ago baby Tawng was carnivorous, but two million four hundred thousand years ago, GRAZEL AFARENSIS was herbivore; this indicates that Noah belonged to the humans called afarensis graciel as we read it in Gehen. 6:21 when the human was vegetarian. There is the exact date of Noah’s flood, but if you doubt this date, you can find it in the GRAND CANYON because the geological layer of that date has the imprint of this great flood. For more information on this topic, I recommend a recently published book entitled: SCIENTIFICALLY BIBLICAL EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD.

La biblia indica la fecha exacta cuando ocurrió el diluvio de Noé; pero antes de exponer la respuesta bíblica, es bueno saber cuando NO OCURRIÓ. La teología -basada en las edades patriarcales- afirma que el diluvio ocurrió en el año 2.324; a.C; de ser así; la pregunta es: ¿Qué pasó con las pirámides de Egipto? ya que ellas fueron construídas en el año 2.800 años a.C; aproximadamente y si el diluvio ocurrió 400 años después, las aguas del diluvio hubiesen dejado HUELLAS VISIBLES de esta inundación en las pirámides y siendo ellas las primeras registradas en la lista por el escriba y poeta griego Antipater de Sidón; a quien se le atribuye haber documentado LAS SIETE MARAVILLAS DEL MUNDO ANTIGUO; él hubiese hecho referencia resaltando y exaltando estas pirámides, diciendo: El diluvio arrasó con todo, menos con las pirámides faraónicas. Y algo más; si el diluvio hubiese ocurrido en esa fecha que dice la teología; entonces: ¿qué pasó con los faraones? ya que ellos comenzaron su dinastía en el año 3.100; a.C; con el faraón Menes, y la teología dice que el diluvio ocurrió en el año 2.324; a.C; unos 800 años antes del diluvio; de ser así, entonces a parte de Noé y su familia, también se salvaron los faraones, porque ellos reinaron hasta unos 350 años a.C; o sea; unos dos mil años después del diluvio. Esto indica que la teología no posee basamento histórico y mucho menos basamento bíblico. Más razonable es creer que el diluvio ocurrió antes que se construyeran las pirámides egipcias. La ciencia ha ubicado al diluvio un poco más lejos de 5.000 años a 10.000 años a.C; a pesar de la lejanía de estas fechas, ella al igual que la teología también ha errado en sus cálculos; porque la ciencia sabe que hoy existen más de treinta millones de especies en todo el planeta y 10.000 años es un período muy corto para que las especies que entraron en el arca de Noé, EVOLUCIONEN hasta lograr este gigantesco número ya que el arca no podía albergar treinta millones de especies. Ahora bien; lo que si sucedió desde hace 12.000 años a.C; hasta 3.000 años a.C; fue la inundación de ciudades costeras, porque la ciencia sabe que estos años fueron el final de la era glacial; pero estas inundaciones nada tienen que ver con el diluvio de Noé. Y algo más; la ciencia también sabe que existen cuevas en varias partes del mundo donde hay pinturas realizadas por humanos, que están fechadas con una antigüedad desde 18.000 años y otras que van más allá hasta 32.000 años a.C; entonces ¿cómo se explica que estas pinturas se conservaronsin presentar daño alguno? pues todos los lectores bíblicos sabemos que las aguas del diluvio cubrieron al Everest y a los Himalaya que son las montañas más altas del mundo, como dice la biblia: Y LAS AGUAS DEL DILUVIO SUBIERON MUCHO SOBRE LA TIERRA Y TODAS LAS MONTAÑAS QUE HABÍA DEBAJO DE LOS CIELOS FUERON CUBIERTAS. QUINCE CODOS MÁS ALTAS SUBIERON LAS AGUAS, DESPUÉS QUE CUBRIERON TODAS LAS MONTAÑAS. Gén. 7:19-20. Esto indica que SI la ciencia dijera la verdad; todas las cuevas donde están estas pinturas se inundaron y por lógica razonable, todas las pinturas se hubiesen DAÑADO; por tal motivo es más fácil creer que el diluvio ocurrió antes que estas pinturas que datan de 32.000 años a.C; fueran hechas por la mano humana. Pero hay algo más llamativo aún; para demostrar que estas fechas que mencionan la teología y la ciencia están erradas, es la huella dejada por el asteroide o meteorito caído en Arizona, hace unos 50.000 años; pues si el diluvio hubiese ocurrido después de este gran impacto -que dejó un inmenso cráter con más de un kilómetro de diametro y más de ciento sesenta metros de profundidad- las aguas del diluvio hubiesen borrado todo rastro de este gran impacto, pero hasta hoy el montículo permanece intacto y en el fondo del cráter no hay rastro alguno de lodo que hubiese dejado una inundación de esa magnitud. Todo esto indica que el diluvio ocurrió ANTES de este gran impacto. ¿Entonces cuando ocurrió el diluvio? La biblia dice textualmente: Dios le dice a Noé: Y EN CUANTO A TI TOMA TODA CLASE DE ALIMENTO QUE SE COME Y TIENES QUE RECOGERTELOS Y TE SERVIRAN DE ALIMENTO PARA TI Y PARA ELLOS. Gén. 6:21. Este versículo es determinante para saber con exactitud cuando ocurrió el diluvio. Lo que iba a comer Noé también iban a comer los animales. Dios le dijo : tienes que recogertelos. y la palabra aquí es: ASAP; (recoger para reunir en un punto de acopio para ser guardado) y lo más relevante es que esta palabra ASAP, es un indicador de lo que se siembra y se cosecha ( vegetales, legumbres, hortalizas, frutas, tubérculos etc) esta palabra ASAP, no es indicador de lo que se CAZA, como lo es la carne de animales, porque la carne de animales no se recoge. ASAP. Esto indica también que todos los que entraron en el arca eran vegetarianos (humanos y animales) como textualmente lo afirma la biblia en Gén. 1:29-30. Leamos: Y DIOS LES DIJO: ( A ADÁN Y A EVA) HE AQUÍ OS HE DADO TODA PLANTA VERDE QUE DA SEMILLA, Y TODO ÁRBOL EN QUE HAY FRUTO; OS SERÁN PARA COMER. Y A TODA BESTIA DE LA TIERRA, Y A TODA AVE DEL CIELO Y EN TODO LO QUE HAY VIDA: TODA PLANTA VERDE LES SERÁ PARA COMER. Como ya habrán notado que en el huerto todos eran vergetarianos; aquí no habían carnívoros. ¡¡¡esto es el paraíso!!! Si Adán y Eva hubiesen sido carnívoros -Dios quien no se equivoca- los hubiese puesto en un HATO en vez de un HUERTO. Sabiendo todo esto ahora solo falta saber cuando el humano EVOLUCIONÓ a carnívoro?. La biblia tiene la respuesta en Gén. 9:1_3. (después del descenso del arca) leemos: Bendijo Dios a Noé y le dijo:… toda ave de los cielos, todo lo que se arrastra y mueve sobre la tierra, todos los peces y todo lo que se mueve y vive, OS SERÁN DE ALIMENTO, así como cuando os di LAS LEGUMBRES Y PLANTAS VERDES así os he dado todo. Dios en este momento de la historia AUTORIZA a Noé y a su familia para que sean carnívoros. Hace 100.000 cien mil años el homo sapiens era carnívoro, hace un millón y medio de años el homo hábilis era carnívoro, hace dos millones trescientos mil años el bebe Tawng era carnívoro, pero hace dos millones cuatrocientos mil años el AFARENSIS GRACIEL era herbívoro; esto indica que Noé pertenecía a los humanos llamados afarensis graciel como tal cual lo leimos en Gén. 6:21. cuando el humano era vegetariano. He allí la fecha exacta del diluvio de Noé, pero si dudan de esta fecha, pueden hallarla en el GRAN CAÑÓN pues la capa geológica de esa fecha tiene plasmada la huella de esta gran inundación. Para mayor información de este tema, les recomiendo un libro recién publicado titulado: EVIDENCIAS CIENTÍFICAMENTE BÍBLICAS DE LA EXISTENCIA DE DIOS.

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Bienvenido a nuestro foro.
¿Por qué insiste que el diluvio de la biblia debe ser global? Muchos interpretantes dicen que fue un evento local. Vea por ejemplo, este artículo.

(Why do you insist that the biblical flood has to be global? Many interpreters say it was a local event. See this article, for example.)

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If you want to know how Young Earth Creationists would answer these questions then you should go to a YEC site such as CMI; and not to ask questions but to read the answers. Surprisingly YEC’s are aware of these issues and have answered them.

  • The Bible says so
  • The highest mountains were covered
  • It lasted for several months and Noah was on the ark for over a year
  • An ark would not be needed for a local flood (Just move!)
  • You wouldn’t need a boat 450’ long which took years to build for a local flood
  • You wouldn’t need to take 2+ of every kind of land vertebrate for a local flood

The correctness of your claims is dependent on how the Bible is understood. Those who approach it as you do and likewise ignore all evidence to the contrary may agree with you, but no one else should.

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To recover from a global flood there would have to be a whole lot more than just “land vertebrate” on board.

As a mental exercise just try to imagine the types of life that were not on board.

Not sure what the “need” has to do with it. Noah was obeying God, just as Abraham was when he almost sacrificed Isaac. 1 Peter 3 refers to the flood as a symbol for baptism, so perhaps God had more in mind than just allowing Noah to live…

Well, we have had flash floods around here, and lots of people get stranded even knowing it may be coming, so a boat might come in handy. Of course, God could have wiped out earth and put Noah down in a new creation with a word, but he chose not to do so, which also supports that the story is not just a story.

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Back to the title question, here is an article in the ASA journal which dates it to 5700 BC:

He also has some interesting thoughts on the construction of the ark that Ken Ham may not agree with.

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Genesis 9:19 These three were the sons of Noah; and from these the whole earth was peopled.

Hence all other males were destroyed in the flood.

But do they need a boat 450’ long?

Indeed it would. We are not told what happened regarding other creatures and plants.

Convenient, but it would require a second creation to repopulate the planet. This would eliminate the need to have animals on board so why have Noah save just some of the life on the planet?

It would require a small remnant to survive the flood by various means. One possibility is rafting on debris mats. Insects wouldn’t require a large raft. Evolutionists have no problem with rafting when it suits their narrative. There might have been other means; we simply aren’t told. There’s no need to jump straight to a second creation.

Insects, btw, don’t have breath in their nostrils because they don’t have nostrils. They breath through pores in their exoskeleton.

No it would require a massive remnant to repopulate the entire planet.

I believe this is called a saving device, but that doesn’t work. You have plants that only reproduce from seeds. You have insects that only live in the soil. You have vast numbers of fresh water life forms. You have entire ecosystems that would collapse if everything is not in balance and you think floating mats are going to solve the problem?

@Bill_II, as I told @Fares “you should go to a YEC site such as CMI; and not to ask questions but to read the answers. Surprisingly YEC’s are aware of these issues and have answered them.”

As a starter try this one.

I have seen these arguments before. Remember the best lie has a nugget of truth in it.

Examples of things that are hand waved away:

Problem being there are many species that do not survive when in water of the wrong salinity. So it doesn’t matter how salty the sea was before the flood. The flood would have killed off whatever species didn’t like the flood salinity level.

But not ALL species are able to tolerate wide changes in salinity.

Sure but what about the species that don’t?

Differences might be minor but ask anyone who has kept an aquarium how well fresh water fish survive in a marine tank. Answer, they don’t.

Nice hand wave. But this is supposed to be a chaotic world wide flood that is ripping up mountains to created thousands of feet of sediment and yet there are calm regions where the water doesn’t mix? And then magically at the end of the flood the fresh water layers were deposited into lakes and streams all over the planet.

Again, not all.

I have seen the “nugget of truth” dodge used time and again in YEC literature. I’m sorry but the problems with a global flood are legion and the only way to believe in it is to ignore what God has shown us in His creation and replace God’s word with our own.


No, they haven’t not in any way, not even close.

You present assertions based on your world view. For instance, you fail to note that the oldest world map from 6th century BCE Babylon shows a single flat circular continent bounded by a river ocean. That continent only goes to the mountains of Armenia. Clearly, the world concept in the ANE did not encompass all of the continents and the global nature of the modern planet. You assume today’s geographic knowledge existed in antiquity - an error called presentism. Note the lack of convincing evidence makes you subject to Hitchen’s Razor - what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Cheers.

Interesting but irrelevant. Maps can only show what is known to the map maker with imagination used to fill in beyond that. (here be dragons). No European maps prior to the 15th century showed America. There is no need then or earlier to assume today’s geographic knowledge.

Which falls victim to itself.

You failed to see my point - that the ancient view of the world was one that was so limited in extent that it occupied only a small region of the actual world we know. Thus, a world flood to them need only be one which we would consider of regional extent. So the Babylonian map is indeed of significance since it clearly shows the extent of their known world. The Greeks also had a very similar view of the world as a flat circular continent surrounded by Okeanos and limited to lands known to them.