The Book is available -- Eden Was Here: New Evidence for Historicity of Genesis

Hi all,

I’m Dan Morton, Glenn Morton’s son (oldest of his three!). Due to his health situation, which some of you may know about, he’s unable to respond or post now. We’re continuing to pray for his comfort.

I’m posting because he did finish the book and we helped him get it onto Kindle yesterday!

Finishing this book was hugely important to him, and we’re grateful it’s complete! I know he feels exceedingly grateful for the opportunity to have written it, as he does for the chance to engage with this community.

If you are interested in reading it, here’s the link:
Eden Was Here: New Evidence for the Historicity of Genesis – Glenn Morton

While he may not be able to post, I’m certain he’d be honored to have you all consider his viewpoint and the evidence he presents.

Thank you and Best,


Tell him Dale says Hi, and give him a hug for me, if he can bear it.


Your father is a real warrior, Dan. You must be very proud.


I am saddened to hear this. Please convey to the brilliant Mr Morton and your family our prayers and well wishes.
Congratulations on finishing the book! I have purchased it on Kindle. I am sure it will be an interesting and helpful resource.
God bless you.


(Me, too. :slightly_smiling_face:)

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Thanks for updating us on behalf of your father, Dan. Our prayers are with him and your family. He has indeed been an influential presence here and many of us are much more knowledgeable on many a geological subject thanks to his many contributions here.



Thanks for updating us, Dan. Send our greetings and best wishes along if your dad is able to receive them. Praying with you for comfort for your dad and for peace for your family.


In our prayers. It has been an honor to visit with your Dad on these pages. We have learned a lot from him, not only about geology and the Bible, but just about life and how to live.


Bought the book and read it. Very interesting. Much information and logical explanations of why the hypothesis should fit to the story of Eden better than the other interpretations of Genesis.

I’m happy that this book could be published despite the circumstances. Although it’s not perfect and there are some points where I may disagree, it is definitely a valuable contribution that deserves to be taken seriously. Big thanks for the book!

God bless you.


Thanks for the update, Dan. Glad that Glenn was able to finish. Tell him I said “Hi and congrats!” My prayers are with him and your family. May his passage be smooth.


Please give your father this message: I have been praying for him and think of him and his health fairly regularly. I wish him well and hope that the God of all comfort will make Himself known to him with particular intimacy during this time.

I’m going to miss him.


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