The Bible in the Low Countries

Yesterday I went to an exposition about the Bible in the Low Countries. I will share some photo’s:

Facsimile of a page from the 6th century Codex Argenteus (“Silver Book”, because of the silver ink). Written in Gothic, a Germanic language like Dutch. Bishop Wulfila (/Ulfila) created an alphabet for the language so he could make this translation.

Fascimile page of the “Eerste Historiebijbel” (First History Bible). Those “History Bibles” added extra information (from the apocrypha and other historical sources) to fill in the historical gaps. The first nearly complete Middle Dutch translation from the Latin Vulgate, as far as we know.

the Eerste Historiebijbel, translated originally in the 1360’s by a monk from the Benedictine abbey of Affligem in Brabant, survives in more than thirty copies, dating from 1425 to 1475. …

In the prologue to the Eerste Historiebijbel the translator … justifies his inclusion of the Historia Scholastica because parts of the Bible are so donker van verstandenissen ‘so difficult to understand’. The functions of glosses from the commentary are further specified by the translator; they will be used both to the profijt or ‘advantage’, and orbare or 'necessity of the meaning of the Biblical passages. Furthermore, he states that this translation is intended for those die ongheleert is van clergien, or ‘who are unlearned of ecclesiastical matters’.
His intention to provide the unlearned laity with an easily understood Biblical text is underlined by an apologia for this underaking, probably aimed at the official clergy.

Fifteenth-Century Dutch Bible Illustration and the Historia Scholastica

Gutenberg Bible, 1456

I will share some other pictures later! :slight_smile:


The Dutch were the first to translate the Bible in an East-Asian language: Malay. Because of our colonies in Indonesia (the Dutch East Indies).

As it is written:

“Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people.”

Revelation 14:6, NIV


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