The Antioch Declaration Brouhaha

Introduction that I liked: You Need to Meet the “TheoBros” [5:28]

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Sigh. Another document named after a city that Christians “must” sign to signal their biblical virtue.

I’m more apt to compile an annotated bibliography of such documents/statements as a guide to the way the currents of the culture wars affect belief and what is demanded as right practice by those who write and sign such statements.


The list of signers is like a who’s who of misogynist Christian Nationalists. The brief Youtube below the link to the Antioch Declaration is, IMO, very informative.


I so very much agree with you 100% on this Kendel.
I was hoping to read something in that link that was an inspiration for the spreading of the gospel…what i found was an attempt to garnish followers on a journey down a rabbit warren that would increasingly distance Christianity from any notion that our beliefs are even rational (let alone reasoned)

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Yeah, Adam, we’re in the thick of it in the antipodes.

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It reminds me how much i wish that my beliefs were less opposing to that of many on these forums…i suppose its important that if im to claim to be Christian, i must first look to those “footsteps in the sands of time”, to remember that ultimately, Christ said in as much as we do it to the least of these our bretheren, we do it to him. You keep me somewhat on that path Kendel…im really glad for your witness in that respect.


It looks like a run of the mill Christian statement of faith.

Good grief. What a load of mumbo-jumbo. The good news is, most people who aren’t already deeply invested in the misogynistic theobrosphere probably won’t be able to make head or tail of it.


Yeah - actually, I was reading it, thinking it seemed like a pretty good thing; until I got to the paragraph about the holocaust and then I didn’t know quite what to make of that. I was trying to decide if there was something of holocaust denial in there, but that didn’t seem to fit with the rest of what they seemed to be trying to do. I chalk that up to poor editing and a confusingly worded paragraph.

[Content removed … I’m realizing this is a public thread, and I’ll paste the rest of what I’d written over in the private political chat.]

They definitely need an skilled and uncompromising editor.


I am having a hard time refraining from making a quip about miracles. ; )

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One especially significant signatory to the declaration is Doug Wilson, christian nationalist pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, who recently enjoyed Ken Ham’s hospitality in hosting a conference at Ark Encounter. The overall theme of that conference was that rejection of a literal reading of Genesis was at the root of pervasive social ills. Biologos was in the crosshairs.


Antioch Declaration exposes a rift among neo-Calvinists

  • The article above leads me to venture an unconfirmed guess: that all signers of the Antioch Declaration are YECs.

Okay … maybe I need to skim through it again, but this time more carefully. Was your conclusion because of stuff actually written in there? Or just guilt by association … since YECs seem to be all excited about this, therefore it must be shunned?

Signers of The Antioch Declaration

is Rev. Douglas Wilson.

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I expect most YEC would not align with Doug Wilson’s broader views and agenda. There is a instructive connection, however, between YEC and Wilson’s outlook. This recent excerpt from Wilson’s blog site discusses a moral distinction between WWII and the civil war.

A Wide-Ranging and Long-Awaited Interview

The key to understanding my attitude toward both wars and the aftermath of both wars is to realize that I am a Bible guy. What does the Bible say? What does the Bible teach? And whatever it is that the Bible tells us, we need to be good with it. No nervous throat clearing. No digging a hole in the carpet with your toe. Once the exegesis is done, no problem passages. And this posture means that sometimes you will collide with the Pharisees. Other times you will get challenged by the Sadducees. And then a handful of other times the Herodians will get into the act. So that said, murdering Jews is a crime against God, and owning a slave isn’t. How do I know this? How can we know the mind of God on such things? Well—and please follow me closely here—He wrote a Book.

Wilson is quite frank that he sees slavery as Biblical and not so much wrong as possibly outmoded, based on his exegetical approach to scripture that disregards the cultural context of the primary authorship and audience. He himself is unapologetically adamant in embracing YEC and slavery based on the same literalism.

  • Off the top of my stereotyping head, I think I would be “safe” in guessing that the collaborators & signers of The Antioch Declaration are eager to put distance between themselves and their more racist brethren, but still know the godly place of their women.


Yet one more satanic result of literalist fundamentalism, then!


Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 20-16-45 The Antioch Declaration Brouhaha - Faith & Science Conversation - The BioLogos Forum

The Antioch Declaration - WHY!?: Joe & Doug Speak for Themselves – The Ezra Institute

Should I continue identifying the YECs among the Antioch Declaration collaborators & signers?

To what end? To those concerned about association with “the wrong sort” (and I am such a person just as much as the next I suppose) - two will do just as well as twenty or two hundred. But if we want to resist that trend (so often used by those considered to be the ‘wrong sort’ - and to their very own detriment), then we probably ought to be looking at the thing itself to give a fair hearing.

And to that end, on revisiting it - I see much that is concerning that I just glossed over before (starting already even in the second paragraph). While the first paragraph starts off with a disarmingly commendable denial that evil can only be assigned to any certain political party, the second already falls into the paranoia of imagining a ‘deep-state’ like ‘secular elite’. And that paranoia manifests itself then in so many later paragraphs too where the authors are at pains to distance themselves from anything pluralistic or any attempts to nurture a diverse public square that doesn’t privilege “Christianity” (always only such as the authors imagine it must be) at the expense of any possible peaceful coexistence with anything or anyone else.

Such then becomes (as Peter himself unpleasantly discovers when he tries it out on Christ) nothing less than a Satanic twist on the declaration that “every knee shall bow” by imagining that this prophecy can be fulfilled by forceful compulsion rather than by patient (even long-suffering) persuasion and ultimately then: joyful and 100% voluntary response. To imagine that God could be satisfied with the “worship” extracted from a society with a gun held to its head is to make God out to be nothing less than a demonic monster. While movies like the recent “Bonhoeffer” or figures like Metaxas have fallen prey to those inclinations, there will always and only be one necessary response from faithful believers to all that: to respond as Jesus did to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.” But then also to realize that such temptations live in us all; and Jesus yet calls us back with long-suffering patience - even to death and beyond.