Just listened to an interesting podcast where our own Jim Stump was the interviewee rather than the interviewer, and it bought up some interesting questions and insights, as well as reviewed his recent book, which I highly recommend.
Questions like the nature of the soul, the future of the science-faith discussion and others were discussed. Give it a listen if you want, and share what questions it makes you ponder.
Good discussion. They asked good questions, and I liked the discussion format. Jim’s discussion of his views on the development of the soul as an evolutionary process was interesting.
What i find interesting in that podcast is the notion that evolution in religion is the new “progressive christian folks” group. This it not consistent with the claim that its YEC thatis the modern view. Im already suspicious and only 10 minutes into the podcast…inconsistency has reared its head so soon.
Its a shame the good pastor got turfed out of Bethel but u surprising. Des Ford in the SDA denomjnation faced a si.ilar treatment. A scholar, new jdeas that went against denominational foundation beliefs, naively thought that wouldnt result in his ultimatum to stop underminjng the church.
What i find rather suprising is that highly educated indivuduals think they canot change their views but that the denomination must change its own and that the two can coexist when neither wish to change. Martin Luther proved centuries ago that isnt likely harmonious…compromise of foundational beliefs is a pipe dream.
and here are the typical lies and distortions we have come to expect from Adam.
Nobody is saying that evolution is new. Saying that YEC is new doesn’t mean that evolution is the older view. Both are new… OBVIOUSLY! …both evolution AND the reactionary invention of YEC distorting and inserting things in to the Bible which are not there in order to force an opposition to evolution that was never in the text.
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