This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
I think this article helps me understand miracles better. I remember talking with my friend, who believes in a young Earth, some time ago about God’s creation of the universe, and we debated a little bit. After I shared my view of an ancient universe, he asked me how would I define miracles and if I believe in miracles. At the time, I didn’t know what to say to him. I thought it would be simple, but I didn’t know how to respond at the time.
You should make a blogpost on why an omnipotent being would choose to use a slow gradual process involving death to create man in his image.
I think it’s an interesting question. I think that a child would learn nothing if the teacher did their school work for them. Likewise, if God created us instantaneously, we would know nothing of how to survive in the big wide world.
Adam would beg to differ.
All miracles are supernatural events, but not all supernatural events are miracles.
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