Welcome Becky!
I read It Couldn’t Just Happen before my son was in Chall A and found it to be pretty hostile to the EC view and actually inadvertently a great example of the fallacies they learn about 2nd semester. A few examples:
p158 “Evolution and Scripture and are direct conflict over one vital question: Who are human beings? Evolutionists say that people, like apes, evolved from some earlier animal form. The Bible says that God created human beings in his own image” (false dichotomy)
p166 “While some Christians scientists think that God might have used evolution to fill our earth with living creatures, they do not think that humans evolved. The conflict between the Bible and the theory of human evolution is just too clear”
p188 “This is one of the important reasons why we can’t believe in the Theory of Evolution. That theory teaches that people, like animals, are only their bodies. When the body dies, the person just stops existing.” (straw man)
p189 “When we have a choice between the Theory of Evolution and creation by God, it is important that we trust the teachings of the Word of God!..How good it is to trust God’s word and not the empty theories of human beings.” (false dichotomy)
p218 “The idea that God used evolution as a tool is not a very good one and is not supported by Scripture.”
p226 “According to the Theory of Evolution, you have no future. You are just an intelligent animal, one of a race of animals that developed by chance.” (conflation of Evolution with materialism)
The book also had a lot of factual/technical errors. Most blatantly:
p34 “Two parts of oxygen combined with one of hydrogen produces water”
It was originally published in 1987 and has been updated/reprinted as recently as 2011 but they still haven’t corrected a very basic error like that.
But it provided many examples of what they learned in The Fallacy Detective. Too bad they don’t read that before reading It Couldn’t Just Happen