no surprise really, secularists reject Biologos in exactly the same way they reject the notion of God. Adding evolution into ones world view doesnt change the fundamental claim amongst them that “there is no God”. One would have imagined that if a compromise could have been achieved, this man would have converted. Based on what I’m seeing here though, seems he did not.
Its a real shame that Micahel says that at about the age of 21/22, his faith just kind of faded away. The bible tells explains why this happens…its a loss of belief in the fact that a man can die for us on the cross and save us from the wages of sin…that he will come again in the clouds of heaven and raise dead corpses from the grave who, along with those living who are saved, will then be raised up into the air (against the fundamentals of gravity) and float off into space…an environment where life cannot actually survive! None of that is scientific and yet its exactly what the bible proposes!
I do not think those who are consumed by the “science is right” principle understand the big picture here…none of what the bible tells us about salvation is even remotedly possible scientifically!
Given that, its ridiculous to get so hung up on the bible telling us, the earth was created in 6 literal days, a flood destroyed the whole earth in less than 6 weeks, Moses took 600,000 men (besides women and children) across the red sea, a group of Israelites blew trumpets and the walls of Jericho collapsed, men carried bunches of grapes in clusters so large two men carried them on a pole, a donkey spoke to Balaam, Satan (a spirit) took Christ up onto the top of the temple, the apostle paul was blinded by a light that also spoke to him in jibberish others around couldnt understand, he was also bitten by a poisonus snake on an island which doesnt have any poisonus snakes…the list of unscientific biblical statements is mind-blowing!!!
We have to accept the biblical fact or, just give up and let our faith be eroded away into a delusion where we make the claim “at least we are getting our morality from it” despite evolutionary science telling us morality came from biology and social experimentation and that God had nothing to do with it!
**BTW, i really am enjoying listening to the youtube discussion.
I absolutely love listening to great men discussing largely opposing fundamental positions but doing it in a manner where they strive to find ways to uplift each other. These guys are similar to John Lennox in that way and it makes them so easy to listen to without seeing great men descend into “bar fighting” on stage. This is one of the great things about this forum in that individuals here are widely read and regularly provide links to some truly wonderful discussions.
I think that Michael is a wonderful man to listen to and displays a real humility in his presentation. He so reminds me of Bart Erhmann in some of his discussion mannerisms and dilemmas though…its uncanny.
I absolutely love the challenge he makes at 32 minute mark when he asks…
“How do i make a decision to either believe in Ted’s view of a non literal belief in Adam and Eve or, an Evangelic College firing a staff member for not believing in that Creation account?”
I think Teds answer there is a poor one “there’s a great diversity of opinion”. Thats a fence sitting crap argument that is exactly the reason why many Christians do not have a strong faith…poor theology = poor faith!
Thank you Beaglelady.**