Last night, my wife had quite a rough time. 24-72 hours fter having a dose of chemo, she is required ro get an immune boosting injection. If my unstanding is adequite, this stimulates white blood cell production in the bone marrow.
A side effect of of the injection is bone pain…at times severe shooting pain throughout the body. Anyway…whilst that seems a bit of a strange place to start this next thought, i believe the little background account helps me explain a dilemma i had whilst i was taking a shower and listening to my wife groan occasionally.
I silently began to pray for her and suddenly a thought came into my head…and i stopped praying.
Caveat…i recognise everyone knows i am Yec, however this is sincere and not a loaded question…and this forum is aware that as a kid, i once prayed God would help by making a flaming pig of a lawnmower go and the darned thing started that once and never ran again…
What if the mechanisms or processes in us are like (for the want of a better explanation) car engines?
You put fuel, oil, and water into these engines and the outcome is that when these things work in harmony the engine runs…God doesnt appear to place his hand on each car engine to keep it running. When bad fuel or the failure of a component in the engine surfaces, and it either runs badly or even stops running at all.
So the dilemma in my head…what if my prayer for my wifes discomfort and pain is somewhat like praying for a car engine that is running badly due to a component failure or poor fuel?
That was a terrible dilemma and it left me…hmmm…leaves me i guess, tearful.
Now heres the interesting thing about differing world views…i believe strongly that God has a hand in all of them (my ecclectic approach comes to mind)…perhaps the answer to the above dilemma can only be found right here.
So, how do Biologos followers reconcile the idea of prayer for what are for them scientific processes in the human body? What do you pray for in circumstances such as that which i found myself last night?
Maybe Christs statement about the faith of a child can start lawnmowers and i can pray for God to stop my wifes pain and discomfort?
i forgot to add, eventually my wife and i decided she would take an Endone tablet and she eventually fell asleep until this morning. Is that Gods way of answering prayer…that we decide to take medication for what are scientific consequences of the side affects of immune boosting medication?
Does this mean that prayer is effectively a pointless exercise in such circumstances?