Reclaiming Design | The BioLogos Forum

It would be a short column, simply “ID can’t affirm anything, as it is not a person.”

And what did you think of the testimony and decision, Brad?

There is no single ID position.

There’s still plenty of hierarchy. You should try studying it more deeply before making such sweeping claims.

To be sure? That appears to be an uninformed opinion; no more, no less. ‘Pretty much in decline’ seems more accurate according to data.

Okay, I think there is a continuum of elementary observation about design towards a more sophisticated evaluation of intelligent design, and there is not an absolute distinction. I will say no more about this.

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And, as an aside, does anyone else note the great similarity between Joao and Gregory in manner of comment? Perhaps this is an example of convergent evolution… or dual identity?

What great similarity? That they share some opinions?

Joao is a multi-quoter extraordinaire and responds in short, succinct sentences. Gregory responds in paragraphs and puts his main points in bold and sometimes uses smilies. As a linguist, I think they are very distinct computer mediated discourse styles. I think its time for you to binge-watch Elementary on Netflix. :mag_right:

The mechanism of creation and design is choosing. You should ask yourself the question how can it be that while in daily life we have no problem to talk in terms of choosing things, that the wiki on free will is still a mess of contradictory points of view?

It makes no sense, that we have no problem to talk in terms of choosing means we all basically use the same understanding, and there should be no mess of contradictory points of view on the wiki.

Why does the wiki on free will not simply state the logic that we use in daily life when we talk in terms of choosing, and then goes on to link to more sophisticated ways of choosing like intelligent design?

The explanation for this is actually orginal sin. How it works is people on their own instinctively start to conceive of choosing as sorting out the best result, using the facts about what is good and evil as sorting criteria. To assert what is good and evil as fact, in stead of opinion, is the proverbial eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

What happens when people start to define choosing in such a way, is that then every time they made a decision, then the definition of choosing they use says they did the best. You can see it in the logic, if choosing is taken to mean to sort out the best result, then making a decision must mean to do the best. That way every time they made a decision, their ego get’s a boost. Drugs are released in the brain, to boost the ego. People get addicted to the drugs.

Also when people did not do the best, then the definition of choosing they use says, that they did not choose it. So it must have been an accident or a mistake or something, not their fault.

What more could anybody want, a super-ego, and no guilt for anything whatsoever. Original sin is an enormously powerful psychological mechanism.

So if you think opposition to intelligent design theory is based on academic reasoning, then you are totally of course. Like any drug addict the ego-boosters will just say whatever works to be rid of it. Then you are basically trying to cure a drug addiction with academic reasoning, it can never work.


I fear that you probably missed the point of what John was trying to express. What I see in his last words is just the manifestation of his frustration for not been able to come to terms with Joao and Gregory in basically any fundamental aspect of the debate. That’s all, I think.

Unfortunately, it seems that this frustrating tendency will still be the same, unless some EC participants begin to pay concentrated attention to less radical views within BioLogos.

I just wanted to agree that I appreciate the moderation here too. I comment fairly regularly on the Evangelical channel on Patheos and on the CT blogs and I am also fairly regularly insulted (often in pretty gender-specific ways) and condemned to hell. I have appreciated the spirited and intelligent conversation that results when people know they are expected to follow some basic rules of civility.

Okay. I thought maybe his inner Sherlock was being deprived of adequate stimulation. It happens to me sometimes.

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What about the “DNA worlds” theory

The mathematical ordering of the DNA system is the same as that of the physical universe.

That means that:

  • the dna system is like a computersimulation, a world in it’s own right

  • there are 3D (holographic) representations in this DNA world. The 3D representation of the adult organsim guides the development of the physical organism to adulthood.

  • all that non-coding DNA, it is lots of other stuff in the DNA world, such as representations of the sun and moon, copied directly from the sun and moon itself.

  • in this DNA world representations of fully functional adult organisms are chosen as a whole.

That is my interpretation of theory mainly by Peter Rowlands. Also Bernard Diaz, Vanessa Hill, Daniel Dubois, Peter Marcer, Edwina Taborsky,

picture from:

The basis of this theory is the theory of everything, and the theory of everything is basically just mathematics as it is, but then ordered by the zero. Creatio ex nihilo, and, ex nihilo, nihilo fit. Creation from nothing and from nothing comes nothing. Which means, the totality of the universe can only be zero. For example an action has an equal and opposite reaction, making a total of nothing. So one can have something, action and reaction, but still have nothing in total.

Very distinct computer generated discourse styles? :wink: