Question about antitheists and salvation

John Newton was a slave trader. Do you consider yourself more lost than that?

Even Hitler was not beyond redemption with a suitable repentance.


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For the first one yes im that lost.The way i hate God now would bring same to Nero himself,or the pharishees.

As for the latter i dont like to think hitler would end up in heaven even if he repented

Another newsflash for you, kid. Your attempt to mock me fails. I am the beneficiary of the faith of a handful of people who believed in Jesus and trusted in Him. I’ve never ever claimed to have the same degree of faith and trust that they had. IMO you’re a fool and, as Proverbs 26:5 says, “Answer a fool as his folly deserves, that he not be wise in his own eyes.” [By the way, that’s not “a Christian suggestion”, it’s a Jewish scripture. If you want to whine about that, take your complaint to a Jewish forum and see how far that gets you.]

Further proof of your limited skills of observation. I’m not trying to defend God, and certainly don’t expect him “to have my back.” My comments in this thread are due to the simple fact that whiners like you are boring after a minute or two of the H.S. But when you delude yourself into thinking that others are interested, the wind of your pride fills your sails and takes you to “Never-never Land”.

Just as well you are not God then.

I am not sure I would get past you.

On the other hand, I believe God is far more tolerant and forgiving than you give Him credit for… with suitable remorse and so on.



Love you man!! If you leave this religion behind someday ill be glad to enjoy some coffee in Athens with ya :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:.No hard feelings .Never tried to mock you.Your God o nthe other hand …

Random question but what would change your mind or heart i guess about God? I mean ive seen a lot of dogfighting Christians here .Never seem to change their opinions .Its a stalemate all the time. No ones attitude about God is changed which is strange.Evenm when im trying to appeal to emotion you guys really find a way to defend God

Now there is a brave man

Perhaps you had never heard the razor

It is best to believe in God because, if it is wrong you lose nothing but if it is right you are in deep trouble!


Paschals wager correct?


It is not a legitimate option though, because the ‘belief’ in Pascal’s wager is not saving faith.

You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
James 2:19

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Sadly even if it were i choose trouble.Unless i meet God myself and get the answers i deserve i wont have a relationship with him behaving like that.

Big guy doesnt play fair

We don’t deserve even mercy.

Yeah i know we are sh@t as humanity.Its his fault though .And ill stand by that

It’s all about you. I hope you don’t stay so badly mistaken.


Because He created us?
Because He lets it happen?

Strikes me that God is your scapegoat.

Humanity can’t help it? It’s a flaw in the design? It’s not our fault (definitely not your fault)

But that is the limit of your belief in God?

Perhaps humanity did it to ourselves and there is no God?

It would appear that He is worse than useless anyway!

So on a final note, why do you think you need salvation? And salvation from What?

What is salvation? And if this God is so useless how can you think He is capable of it?


Why would He incarnate, to die, again? The Way was found. We have it in plain sight before our feet ever since.


Arent you tired that a collection of books reminds you at every page that is your fault that the world is like that and that we are worthless? I dont know maybe we are Gods scapegoat and not God ours?

If there isnt then we did it to ourselves indeed .And this conversation is needless.

Big guy dont play fair as i said above

I dont need salvation from anything.I need a cosmic judge to make this place right.

Salvation is making this world right.Heaven on earth as they say it. You know actually doing something and not only promising as God have done the past 2000 years.Second coming my arse(sorry for that).He is only words and not actions.If he is indeed uselles he wont .Simple

Why did he had to do it in the first place?He is almighty.He could have find another way.

Also i think your missing the argument @SuperBigV is trying to make

Yeah, that was the definition the Jews had on Palm Sunday.

It wasn’t right then. It isn’t right now.

And it has nothing to do with you personally.


Why exactly?

Jews wanted a Jews only paradise.What does that have to do with what ive said?

He did it the only way He could. And what argument is @SuperBigV trying to make that you think I’m missing?