Question about antitheists and salvation

Statistics play a role in life. Instead of replying with statements like “have you met” use half your brain to make some research. It’s not hard mate

I’m going to take that as a “no.”

It’s called dystheism. And since I’m agnostic I label it agnostic dystheism . Search it up. It’s a form of antitheism


You twist my words I see.

Not everyone is a liar; I could be just wrong, unless you don’t think that God should have taken your advice and not allowed humans to possess free will, or I misunderstand what you have said?

How is this not an accusation of self-centeredness?

I said that God could have found a way to work things out,meaning to have free will but still be sinless. He didn’t. I didn’t say to get rid of free will COMPLETELY. Nor I said anything about amoral robots and such. See the problem with people in this forum is that when they see criticism of their precious Father they bypass things so fast because their biased show. If you would have read my responses more carefully you would knew what I said

What how is it exactly? How am I self centered by commenting this?

So like horses and barracuda? You’re right, amoral robot was definitely an inaccurate description of what you were advocating, but I still don’t see how that makes one truly free if they don’t have the capacity to fail.

Then again, you are certainly on to something regarding “there must be another way” for God to have done things.

You aren’t self-centered by saying this. I meant that you seem to imply that all of the motivations religious people have for believing in God (presumably Yahweh) boils down to “I want to go to Heaven”, meaning that every religious person is inherently self-centered and participating for their personal gain.

Or do you mean to say that you hold the position that God belief arose in primitive minds unsure as to where their kin went after being violently torn to shreds by some haunter of the dark?

Why would someone want to fail? No one wants to fail. If I say to you that you have to choose between let’s say a house and mansion. Aren’t you free to choose ? Is there a choose in that dilemma that will have a negative impact? No. If you choose the house you will be fine . It’s comfy has enough rooms,it’s warm etc etc. Sure it’s not a mansion but still it’s ok. What negative doess the house have over the mansion? Nothing . The mansion just have 2 or three pluses(bigger,more rooms etc etc). None of the two will negative impact your life if you choose . Simple.

That maybe a bad example but you get the point

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In my opinion they are. I’m biased and I’ll admit it. Even if someone truly says they are not I won’t believe him. So yes that is a form of self centered and I apologize for lashing at that. But you said

Well no. That only goes for Christians

Unless I could take neither of them and choose to live in a cardboard box, I suppose not. I’m a little headstrong in that regard.

I’m biased as well; no doubt you’ve read my melodramatic rant about apprehensions I have regarding antitheism.

There’s no need to apologize for something you think is true.

Oh okay. Still not great in my book, but I think I understand. My bad.

Still, isn’t it a little remiss to call people like St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and N. T. Wright “mindless”? Why not wrong? We don’t think that Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Thomas Nagel, and Michael Shermer are mindless, and if some of us do, we really shouldn’t.

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This is just plain stupidity then. But I think you just saying this for the sake of just arguing . If not we’ll I’m really buffled. I really don’t know what to say.

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There are things that only life experiences will dictate our view on them. We are at different camps here because life deemed it so. Trough our experiences we both made a choise. Remember though that in the past I was in your position . It’s just that God I guess wanted me against him

You are basically arguing with an ex-brother here

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Wouldn’t it be more fitting to say that’s simply where you headed?

I wouldn’t say that, but you know how I am. I would say that He let you leave because you wanted to go and didn’t see any truth to the relationship.

I’m sorry to hear that, but I respect your decision. If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly did it for you?

You could say “That’s nice, grandpa. Now let’s get you to bed.”

Sorry I know it’s not what you wanna hear but no. It took me way over a month of constant battling with my faith to get rid of it. I didn’t want to leave. I griefed when I left. I remembered that last time I had a conversation with God was when I went to a chapel nearby on foot 2 pm at night to leave a cross I had since I was 13 years old. That was a symbolic way of me leaving the faith. It was sad trust me

As for why well I won’t go into details. God didn’t seems to care that’s all

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Please don’t think for a minute that I don’t believe your disbelief to be ingenuine. I simply mean that when you saw no reason to keep believing in Christianity, God understood and let you leave.

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That’s comforting and yet sad at the same time. Can’t really explain it. My anger with God is justifiable. I do wish people understand that here and not give me a hard time. And sorry that sometime I feel like this arrogant fool. I’m really not. If you go over my threads I’ve had my fair share of discussion here.

I’m just hurt. By people ,by friends,by the church. God was the final nail to the coffin. It changed me so much I don’t recognize myself

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Hey, I’m sorry for antagonizing you in the first place.

Right back at you, friend. Now it isn’t my place to know what happened, but I didn’t take into account nor respect how supposedly faithful people, whom God loves, hurt you. I can’t imagine how devastating that would be, and I’m sorry for my insensitivity. While I still don’t think it’s good to harbour a negative bias towards a group of people for the actions of a few, I understand where it’s coming from.