Yes, if we believe in theory that completely everything, even concepts such as good, death and justice were created by God then I have to agree, concept such as evil was also created by God. I am unsure if this is how it really works but let’s assume it is.
I will admit, I can’t possibly tell you if God could have made reality or concepts that are better or worse, in the end, the perfect reality seems as something illogical in itself, it seems there is always some small change that could have been better, even if by miniscule amount, if everything can exist and God is unbound by any logic and reason he could always find a better universe that the one right now, no matter how much you add to a number you will never reach infinity, no matter how much you will divide you will always have lower decimal value.
I don’t think I ever put limitations on God in my previous posts, maybe I did. In the end, if we assume God’s omnipotence to be valid, there’s no way to grasp how his decisions are made, and yet he has chosen this universe, and if this is the reality that he has chosen, it’s not only good, it’s perfect, there is no possible universe or logic that could be better than the one you live in right now. At the same time, it’s a paradox, there’s always a better universe God could create to fit his plans.
There comes realization then, either our understanding of omnipotence is flawed and ultimate being works a lot differently than we thought or simply true omnipotence cannot exist. Either way, with out finite minds we can only wonder on how it all works. Maybe what we call “evil” isn’t bad and “good” isn’t good at all?? Maybe those are just perfect to achieve the tasks they were supposed to?
If this is the truth, then just as space and time shifts around the maximum speed constant, morality, justice, all concepts, would shift around whatever God has decided.
That’s why I tip more to view that God is not completely omnipotent, he may be, but if he is his decisions simply cannot be evaluated by us, and that’s what I see as troubling. But in some way or another we have to embrace at least some of this understanding, after all ideology that escapes from anything that doesn’t make sense will never reflect the truth, in the end it’s clear that there is some paradox in it. Both theories, that God or universe or laws of physics were created from nothing or were here forever, don’t make sense to human mind, even well agreed idea, that time didn’t exist before Bing Bang, also makes no sense to humans, whenever the thing that doesn’t make sense will come in our everyday life, or deeply into how universe works or even deeper, in rules that govern spirituality, we will hit the border when there’s something that simply makes no sense, and yet happened.
I applaud you though for discussing even though there’s a harsh opposition from many people to your ideas. If you want to keep discussing this topic I think we should talk about interpretation of omnipotence that doesn’t break logic or we will just reach stalemate. There’s no sensible way to assess a being that doesn’t adhere to logic.