@jstump, thank you very much for the podcast. I hope that we can take this opportunity to reconcile the differences between BioLogos and ID.
My first comment is that Stephen seems to accept the claim that the biosphere is not designed, but just appears to be designed. I do not know for sure if BioLogos has taken a stand on this issue. I do not think so, which gives the appearance of agreement.
My research indicates that this claim is based on the book, Chance and Necessity by Jacques Monod originally published in French in 1970 and in English in 1972. Monod was a Nobel winning biologist, who fought in the Resistance in World War 2. He clearly states that he was a Marxist atheist, who left Marxism behind.
The problem with saying that life is only apparently designed is that we can say that the earth only appears to be round. If we know what designed looks like, which we do if something appears to be designed, then it is either designed or not. It can only be apparently designed if we have secret knowledge that it is not, which is what Monod says.
Monod says that natural entities cannot be designed because they are natural and nature cannot think. That also means that nature is irrational for the same reason, so science is also irrational for the same reason, because nature cannot think.
Dawkins says that animals including humans are survival machines. This must mean that they appear to be designed, because machines are designed by rational beings.
So this is where EC differs from Dawkins & Co. EC (and ID) say that we live in a rational universe designed for rational humans. The real issue for everyone is how is this design carried out.
ID says “evolution” is a mechanical, random, unguided process. The would mean that apparent design is nothing like real design. If Dawkins could show me how this mechanical, random, unguided process works, I would agree with him. Instead his chapters in The Selfish Gene, 10 and 12. he talks about zero sum game rather than natural selection.
In the other hand Christians are blessed with the concept of Jesus as the Logos, God’s Rational Word as found in John 1:1- 3, which tells that the Logos is rational, embedded in nature, and good, rather than evil. The Logos is not mechanical, random, and unguided. Either this understanding of evolution is wrong or the Gospel is wrong. My bet is for the Gospel, but I am willing to look at the facts.
Thus far no one has come close to proving it wrong. Fortunately God is smarter, wiser, and more powerful than even men like Charles Darwin. God can find ways to do things that we would not. That is the reason for good science that tells us we have to prove our ideas, not be satisfied with the fact that we think we are right.
God the Father gave us Jesus Christ, the Logos. God also gave us the idea that Jesus is the Logos of Life. It is up to us to fill out this idea with the facts.