I have noticed that there are several questions that have not really been addressed.
First of all, did sin come into the world when humans were created?
The Biblical answer is no. Humans were created and then they fell into sin. Maybe it was the same people who were created, who fell into sin, but Adam lived to be 930 years old according to Genesis. It does not say when the fall took place or when he fathered Can and Abel, but it does say he fathered Seth when he was 130. I have always thought that the dates in Genesis were approximate, but they show a definite separation between creation and the fall.
The Bible does not say that people were created sinful. On the contrary they were created in the Image of God.
Second, Can we say that our sin “nature” is the result our selfish Darwinian genes?
Many people accept Darwinian evolution by saying that the “natural man” is simply the unredeemed Darwinian dog-eat-dog animal nature. Therefore it really does not make any difference is Adam and Eve sinned or not, except they are the first humans.
I accept the Biblical view that humans are created in the Image of God and are not by nature sinful. Sin is more like a sickness that we receive from other people, than a bad gene. The story of the Fall gives human nature dignity. We choose our fate as sinners, and therefore we have the ability to choose to live for God.
Third, Science indicates that the human species developed out of a community of hominids, but does it indicate how sin came into being?
The answer is no, so I think that we need to separate these two questions. People, who believe that humanity arose from two people, can also accept that sin originated with two people created through evolution. However if God created human beings out of a community, from where does the “selfish gene” come?
Indeed the idea that home sapiens came into existence as a selfish allele which struggled to gain dominance first locally and then globally is just that a myth. God created humans in a particular community and particular ecological niche and gave them the ability to think and love and we turned against God and became selfish in order to create our world in our selfish image.