Orthodox Rabbis issue groundbreaking statement on Christianity

I am certainly not God but I certainly can say that the end of the world is NOT upon us. The world will be here a lot longer than you or I. You say that you help people with disabilities. Try doing that without 21st century medicine or technology. Living in the 21st century with the intent of helping others REQUIRES one to give up the myths and superstitions of centuries ago so you actually help them not harm them.

For the record CMEs are not going to be as harmful to humans in 2016 as religious zealots with radical ideologies are going to be.

Indeed; diabetes used to be a death sentence.

Yes. What’s wrong with it. It is scientific fact that the Earth was nearly hit. The effect I described of such an event is how science describes what would happen, not me personally. Biblical scholars have pointed out that the scientific explanation sounds just like Scripture. As a news item I just brought it to the attention of the people that are interested in the same things I am. It’s just a personal blog there is no malice in it

Post the paper or NASA report.

Name them, post their material

The Bible is not myths and superstition it is the Word of God. And my helping people is of no relevance here and has nothing to do with what century we are in.

Just google it and you can get loads of info. Or go onto the NASA website

The best I can think of other than doing the research yourself is to try and get a YouTube clip from Paul McGuire I think possibly part four

The Bible is full of things that a moral and ethical person in the 21 century would find hideous.

You may want to visit www.thepathoftruth.com I think that site will open your eyes

I’m going to bed now as its 1.30 am over here :sleeping:

And you may want to visit https://richarddawkins.net/ and http://ffrf.org/ to open your eyes to science and reason. And Biologos has a lot on both good science and good Christian theology.

I hope you are right. I do not think that it help him. I hope that am wrong.

The daily news has things in it that are much worse. Think about it.

I have many times. Dawkins actually personally responded once to one of my posts (my claim to fame haha)

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