One of my favorite books on faith and science being released as a blog!

Early last year, we featured an excerpt from the book Paradigms on Pilgrimage on the blog: Atheistic Meteorology or Divine Rain? - Article - BioLogos. We rarely promote self-published books, but this one—co-written by a scientist and pastor who both left young-earth creationism—was so excellent that I felt compelled to put it in front of our readers.

I just learned that the whole book is now being released for free in blog form at this link: They are inviting comments on each blog post from interested readers. These are fantastic folks with a great story, and I would love for our community to support them.


Thanks for the tip!

I found this interesting comparison between the book introduced above and another book that sometimes gets more press:

“I’d like to take a minute to compare this book [“Paradigms on Pilgrimate”] to “Finding Darwin’s God” by Kenneth R. Miller. Dr. Miller’s book is generally one of the first recommended to people who want to explore the compatibility of religion with faith.”

I love Dr. Miller’s ability to explain science–he makes it exciting and understandable. . . But “Finding Darwin’s God” answered very few theological questions for me. Dr. Miller makes no claims to being a theologian; he is a scientist. His book is very worth reading, as a primer on evolution–one that is specifically pro-faith."

“Dr. Godfrey & Dr. Smith do not give nearly as much scientific information as Dr. Miller’s book does. In fact, “Paradigms on Pilgrimage” talks very little about the proposed mechanisms for evolution. It, however, goes into a great more theological detail. The books complement each other very well, and their topics don’t overlap very much.”


This is also one of my favorite books (if not my favorite) dealing with creation/evolution and science/faith. It’s the #1 book that I recommend for Christians wanting to understand the issues better because it does an admirable job of discussing both science and theology/biblical interpretation whereas most books focus on one or the other. It’s also presented in a personal narrative style which is often much more engaging to the average reader. While it’s true that it doesn’t cover evidence in favor of the theory of evolution from all the sciences (which isn’t its purpose), the paleontological evidence it presents is more than sufficient to see why a global flood never happened and why evolution makes the best sense of what one finds in the fossil record. It’s very compelling. I might add that this is the book that answered enough questions and provided enough of a big picture to allow me to finally make the paradigm shift from young earth creationism to evolutionary creation.