On the intersection of an Infinite and Eternal God and Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity

Given the title of this thread, the primary question is: Is there an intersection? In my opinion, there is. In order to demonstrate it, I begin by describing a thought-experiment: The Double Triplet Scenario.

(Nota Bene: Edited 12/26/2020 in order to correct several Figure-labeling errors.–T.S.)

To be infinite and eternal invites the acknowledgement and use of two abstract terms: Absolute space and absolute time.

I see no reason to accept such a premise. Sounds nonsensical to me. God being infinite has nothing to do with either space or time. And I do not see how eternal applies to God except in a relative way – such as to say, for example, that there is no period of time without God.

Absolute space and absolute time simply have no validity in either science or theology. In science the notion that space or time are absolute are shown to be incorrect in so far as we can measure them – they are just ways in which the events of the physical universe are ordered (and because of the Minkowsky structure this ordering is not as you might expect). In theology, space and time are things created by God so there is nothing absolute about them there either. And it only makes sense that God is outside what He has created. But since there is nothing singular or absolute about space and time this does not mean that God is without space and time of His own as He chooses to use them.

God encompasses eternal, infinite creation. He is not restricted to it.

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