On the Apocalypses of the Bible (Again)

After reviewing the evidence I think it’s time to admit that the Book of Daniel predicts the end of the world during the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes and that Revelation predicts the end of the world very soon after it’s written during the late first century or early second century Roman Empire and that these things did not happen.

I don’t think that this is a problem for Christianity though because of what’s written in this book Amazon.com

Basically what the book argues is two things, 1. that prophecy is conditional based upon the reaction of the people prophecized to, and 2. That it is part of the Jewish context of the Bible to have the end predicted soon but then have it delayed and this kind of tension or conflict was inherent to the Jewish worldview.

Thus it should not be surprising when the end is predicted in the Bible, as it was three times and it is delayed further. As for what to do with these prophecies and why they are in the Bible, Paul deals with the unfulfilled prophecies of Daniel 11:35-45 by putting them in the future in 2 Thessalonians 2 with the man of lawlessness, so it’s safe to say that all unfulfilled prophecies await future fulfillment which would make the futurist reading of Revelation correct.

The first prophecy regarding “the end of the world” (as we know it) is contained in Genesis 1-2. The seven days of creation is a framework for understanding God’s 7000 year plan for man’s redemption. This prophecy is still valid and the day of the Lord is approaching.

As far as the prophecies in Daniel, it is possible you may be focused on the wrong ones. I believe the most important prophecies in the book of Daniel are the ones pointing to the nation of Israel being scattered for 2520 years and then being regathered…IN THE LAST DAYS.

2520 Prophetic Years X 360 days = 907,200 days or 2483 years, 285 days

2520 Prophetic years after the decree of Cyrus in 537BC, the nation of Israel was reestablished on May 14, 1948…THE TIME OF THE END.


2520 Prophetic years after the decree of Darius in 518BC, Israel regained control of Jerusalem on June 7, 1967.

The end was not predicted and delayed.
The end is still coming right on schedule.

I know this is a complex, controversial topic and it can be challenging to unlearn the bad theology we’ve learned along the way, but that’s why we are here.