Hello everybody, another September is upon us!
I figure many of you are getting into the swing of the new school year about now, so I thought it would be fun to check in and get some updates about how things are going and what you are excited about this year.
Anyone have something you’d like to share about classes you are taking or teaching, new books/resources/curricula you are trying out, new co-op or church situations you are navigating?
My youngest and I are doing Sonlight Core D which is mostly life science to begin with. She likes songs, so she enjoys the Lyrical Life component.
My older two (5th and 7th grade) are doing Hewitt Conceptual Physical Science Explorations. This is a little more of a challenge for me, since I’ve never actually taken a physics class. It wasn’t required at my high school (I took two years of chemistry instead) and in college I took two biology courses to meet my gen eds. For the first time, I paid for them to have access to on-line instruction, though in this case, it is just videos and reading quizzes, not anything interactive with a teacher. But it is nice to have someone who knows what they are talking about doing demonstrations and explaining things in addition to me reading the text book with them and muddling through the activities and questions.
I got a bunch of supplies while we were in the States over the summer so we can do the labs, so I’m looking forward to that. It is the first year we are moving beyond the kind of labs that basically only use things you find in your kitchen/junk drawer or buy at a hardware store. I have an adventure scheduled for a couple weeks from now where I will attempt to procure lab chemicals here in Mexico. (At least the ones that I could not bring back on a plane because they are caustic or flammable.) Supposedly you can get many of them at a medical supply store where med students have to go to purchase their own lab supplies. We have been there once before to get borax and boric acid to deal with fleas and cockroaches. However, getting straight what I want in Spanish and the quantities I want them in will be a cultural adventure, especially considering I don’t really know what I’m doing or why I want which things, I’m just following a list made for teachers who are supposed to have some sense of what things are. Oh, the things we do for our kids’ education!