From @sygarte, a shortened version of his testimony that can be found in his new book!
READ: From Generational Atheism to Community in Christ: A Scientist’s Journey - Personal Story - BioLogos
From @sygarte, a shortened version of his testimony that can be found in his new book!
READ: From Generational Atheism to Community in Christ: A Scientist’s Journey - Personal Story - BioLogos
Thanks for sharing your story, Sy! That was encouraging to read.
Baptized at 65! A remarkable journey, @sygarte. Glad to see it in print for others to share. Since you’re not much for self-promotion, I’ll put the link here for you:
The Works of His Hands: A Scientist’s Journey from Atheism to Faith (Kregel 2019)
Keep up the good work at God and Nature!
Thanks Jay. I’m eagerly awaiting your next contribution.
You’re too kind. Building a website has been consuming me lately. Keep an eye on this space: Becoming Adam, Becoming Christ. If you see anything you like, I’d be glad to elaborate on it for you.
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” -Colossians 4:6
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