We’re shining a spotlight on INTEGRATE today on the main website. The INTEGRATE team has been working really hard for the last year on our curriculum supplement. Learn more about it and what the units look like in today’s update!
Thank you to all the piloters here! If you would still like to be a part of the pilot, you can contact @Kathryn_Applegate!
I don’t know if any of it touches climate science, but it does present info about old earth and evolution and talks about integrating faith and science. I’m using it with my YEC son, which is fairly interesting. The main point I want him to get out of it is that you don’t need to throw out the Bible if you accept the evidence for old earth and evolution.
All the units take into consideration that many homeschoolers and Christian school students exist in communities where YEC ideas are held by people they know. So often those ideas are addressed with the reasons and evidence that cause scientists to reject them. But the curriculum does not presume that the intended audience is YEC and they must be argued out of their beliefs. It does present consensus science as true and correct and offers lots of examples and role models of Christian scientists, theologians, and philosophers who accept consensus science and love Jesus and value the Bible.
There will be a unit on climate change, one on creation care, and one on protecting biodiversity.
Units that would touch on YEC beliefs are the one on the fossil record and age of the earth and the one on Christians who accept evolution. There is a unit that delves into interpretive approaches to Scripture, one on epistemology, and an introductory unit on the major areas of controversy that come up in science/faith discussions.
There are also units that are more focused on bioethics and theology: one on DNA testing and technologies; one on cells that deals with the idea of design in creation; one that touches on the idea of human uniqueness; one on the human body being fearfully and wonderfully made-- the ethics of embryo research, end of life issues, and what makes humans more than the sum of their biological and chemical parts; one on genetic diversity and differences (like Downs syndrome and intersex conditions); one on creation as a call to worship; and one on science as a Christian vocation.
So basically, there will be a bunch of resources for people to tackle a whole range of topics depending on the needs of their students or their interests.