I am here not to offend anyone. I’m fine with different ideas. I actually appreciate different ideas because they may help me correct my own.
The questions I am going to ask are not an atheist attack on believers, on the contrary, they may help me convinced.
I wish (my wishful thinking) God exists, and He is friendly to me, or He even helps me when I pray to Him, and he’s the most powerful will in the world, he could defeat anyone hostile to me and he can decide the state of anything. Then I would feel protected, feel safe, and my life would be full of hope, not in despair. In another word, God helps me live a life without danger, despair, sadness or sufferings.
I love to have such a god in my life.
But so far God is still playing hide and seek with me. Some people say they have met God personally. But to me, God is still a theory. It’s still something like “if you suppose someone has the super powerful will, then you can explain the world”. God still exists by logic, not by direct sense.
There are things we can only learn by logic. Being discovered only possible by logic isn’t a problem, like natural law. The questions remain unanswered are:
- If God created everything out of nothing, and made laws for nature (law of physics), could God change what He has made or created?
- God’s law and will, which one is more powerful?
Regarding the first question, if God didn’t create everything or made laws for nature, then questions will be “When, where, by or from what, for what purpose, how was the universe created or did it start, and where will it go?” and “Why should there be natural law?”
The answer “God created everything and made laws for nature” redirects the question to God. The question is not answered.
Still regarding the first question, if the answer is “God made the perfect natural law, why does He need to change something already perfect?” then it’s not the answer either, because the question is about if God COULD.
Regarding the second question, suppose I am seriously sick, dying, by natural law, I won’t live long, but by wish, I pray to God, could God let me live longer (against his own natural law?)
Any answer will be appreciated.