Thanks for posting. It looks like there would be some nice object lessons for explaining certain basic concepts to kids. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the science in the explanations is wrong. This illustrates my major frustration with most Christian homeschool materials. You shouldn’t have to fact check every sentence to make sure the person writing it knows what they are talking about, but alas you do have to. It seems like they were trying really hard to make scientific cosmology match up with the Genesis days, but it just doesn’t.
For example, these are a few things I noticed skimming through:
“There was heat –heat so intense that all matter -iron, gold, rocks, water -existed as a gas. The countless little particles raced around in chaos and when they rammed into each other, they ceased to exist. Matter is not capable of organizing itself.”
That is misleading. It was subatomic particles that existed, not matter in gas form. You need stars to create most of the heavier atoms. And matter does self-organize all the time according to established laws of physics.
“When Earth first began to form, it was so hot that it was just a cloud of whirling gasses.”
Gases and stardust, actually.
“First the liquids separated from the gases. The lighter liquids forming the waters in the sky and the waters of the earth. Even though the Earth was cooling, it was still very, very, very hot.”
This is just wrong. Without an atmosphere, water would just evaporate into space. I think asteroids are the leading model for how earth got it’s oceans. The atmosphere came from vapors from reactions in the earth’s interior long after it was formed, not from the cooling of the earth. How Did Water Come to Earth? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine
“Because some of the hot particles were trapped and still wanting to rush back toward the coolness of the water, all over Earth volcanoes began to explode into the waters and eventually above the waters. The steam from the hot explosions caused great clouds to form over this new world. When the hot particles had finished their explosions Earth cooled again. Then the rains began to fall. More of the gasses became liquids and more and more liquids became solids. The earth became wrinkled as it cooled, like an old potato. The wrinkles became mountains, and in the hollows the waters remained and became the oceans, lakes and rivers. (water cycle)”
I don’t think this is right either. The crust cooled, but the mantle and core were still really hot due to radioactive disintegration in the core. The magma and water vapor and other gasses broke through the weak places in the cooled crust, resulting in the formation of tectonic plates. (maybe along with other events like cooling at different rates or earthquakes.) It is tectonic plates shifting and crashing into one another that creates mountains. And again, the hydrosphere as we know it did not exist yet.
“Seed-bearing and fruit-bearing plants were the first life forms to appear on Earth.”
Nope. It was prokaryotes. Seed bearing plants were a LONG way off.