I have watched dozens of interviews with various medical “experts’ and read multiple papers and one thing is clear. There is no consensus on any of this.
If we should just shut up and listen to the experts can you fill me in on which expert to listen to? Maybe the experts who did the modeling, oh wait they were completely wrong. Maybe Fauci, no his expert opinion changes as the wind blows.
Only fools blindly believe experts, especially when they have been wrong on almost everything. I hope you understand that this is all derived from a theory. Germ theory has not been proven hence the term theory.
I guess I’m the fool for questioning something that makes no sense whatsoever. Do you believe this is all legitimate? If so why? There is no justification for any of this, life is risky and it’s up to individuals to assess the risks and act accordingly.
This just shows me that people generally are sheep and can’t think for themselves. Initially the experts were sure that masks weren’t necessary, they said if not worn properly they make you more vulnerable. Now it’s mandatory everywhere, anyone who doesn’t question that is not paying attention. Questioning science isn’t denial it is part of the process. Scientific consensus changes on a regular basis if you haven’t noticed, so keep trusting the contradicting info from the experts and call me a fool. Enjoy the tyranny!!!
My sources are quite varied, and they all were medical professionals. Some were on YouTube others were interviewed on podcasts. Also it only takes a little common sense to realize wearing a face covering will reduce oxygen intake and increase carbon dioxide. Are you suggesting otherwise? If so what is your source because I’d like to hear that magical explanation. When surgeons are trained they learn that masks have to be frequently changed, infrequently adjusted and not worn for long periods of time as it absolutely reduces oxygen intake.
Do you find it strange that a few months ago the Surgeon General along with other experts said masks were not advisable because improperly used they can actually increase likelihood of infection, now the very same people suddenly advise using masks? That deserves explanation does it not? I guess it’s totally normal that this is the worlds first summer virus too. I remember initially we were all waiting for summer heat to bring relief and once it came amazingly cases spiked. Maybe this has happened before but I am not aware of it. So maybe try showing gratitude for those questioning this nonsense, because that is essentially what started this great country.
If you’re not anti vaccine than you probably have not researched the topic enough. There are studies that clearly link vaccines to asthma, allergies, diabetes and more. There also are studies of vaccinated children vs unvaccinated and clearly the unvaccinated children are more healthy. But you won’t hear about these studies unless you go to alternate sources. CNN, MSNBC etc will never cover this information.
If you look at the history of vaccines they typically aren’t available until well after the spread has slowed or even stopped. What do I know though right? So enjoy that vaccine that is being rapidly produced ( obviously I’ll advised) and being pushed by Bill Gates of all people. I guess it’s his deep concern for the human race driving him to fund and push a vaccine for a virus that’s obviously not dangerous to the vast majority of the population. That doesn’t seem nefarious at all.
I’ll stay skeptical and you can keep trusting morons that constantly change their position. The absolute worst part of this pandemic are all of the ‘expert solutions’ not the virus itself.
That might be what your common sense tells you, but it is not an actual scientific fact. It requires slightly more effort to breathe, it does not affect the levels of oxygen you are getting. You can watch the oxymeter yourself in multiple videos that have been recently posted.
These articles and videos are all over the internet.
It has nothing to do with oxygen intake, it has to do with them being exposed to infected patients and moving from one patient to another without spreading infection. Remember the point of face coverings is not to prevent infection of healthy people, it is to prevent spread from infected people who are unknown carriers. If someone with COVID-19 coughs on your mask, you should change it. If you already have COVID-19, the germs you breathe into your own mask are already all over in your body and it doesn’t really matter if you breathe them back in.
No, not at all. They said at first that wearing masks for the reasons healthcare professionals at the time were wearing mask, to prevent yourself from getting infected, was not adviseable. Both because there were shortages of PPE for medical professionals and because regular surgical masks won’t protect you very well from getting infected if you are exposed.
But then, we learned stuff. We learned 40% of infections or more were contracted from people who were not yet showing symptoms. We also learned that cloth face coverings, although they are ineffective for preventing infection, are pretty effective at absorbing the respiratory droplets that spread infection and therefore one of the most effective public health strategies for controlling the epidemic.
Are you not aware that every year in tropical places millions of people die of viruses even though it is always hot? What are you talking about?
Do you know what an echo chamber is? I have doctors in my family. I don’t go to “alternative media” for medical information.
I guess you are in denial about the actual facts of the situation here. Death is not the only negative consequence of COVID-19 infection.
A “medical professional” just stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and told people not to wear masks because there was a cure for COVID-19. Eleven million people watched the Facebook clip. Turns out she’s a total nutter who thinks endometriosis, fibroids and miscarriages are caused by women having dream sex with demons and that vaccines are filled with alien DNA.
I don’t trust someone because they are a “medical professional.” I trust people who tell me what the scientific consensus in the medical community is. Yes, this can be revised and we sometimes find out they were wrong about some stuff. But the consensus is far more reliable than people like that lone “medical professional” who had her time at the mike.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by “Fauci’s ties”?
Outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics are never convenient but will always happen. Scientists are just trying to inform the public and the governmental authorities and prepare us for these events.
I am not familiar with IVF, but I am pretty sure it is used for couples with difficulty in fertility.
My parents’ generation of immigrants and refugees married young for economic survival after the Vietnam War. But my generation in America are marrying later because we do not need to marry to survive deprivations. It is true that many of us are focused on career, but I think we also desire more meaningful relationships. However, the combination of achieving higher education and paying for living costs is expensive in America, so are we less likely afford an early marriage. Even though many East Asian Americans (not all) have relatively higher income and greater economic stability than other minorities, the younger folks still experience a similar dilemma when it comes to marriage and career.
This is all based on an unproven theory( germ theory) if it is able to live outside the bloodstream in mucus membranes, how have they verified this info? The only images of a virus that I’m aware of are cross sections of tissue and are only black and white 2D images. Which indicates all 3D color images of a virus are purely to induce fear. Dr Andrew Kaufman says that what is seen in these images cannot be differentiated from exosomes which are released by the cell to trap toxins in the bloodstream.
You seem to have a lot of faith in theoretical science. It is part of the scientific process to question unproven ideas (theories). It is even more important to question a theory that is the justification for global lockdowns, closing of small businesses, but not Walmart, Lowe’s etc. no graduations, concerts, sports , funerals or church service.
They are taking all of the joys of life away due to a virus that for the vast majority isn’t even dangerous. How does that not throw up red flags for you? If you think the whole world should sacrifice what makes life worth living for the sniffles you are not very fond of freedom.
The medical tyranny will without a doubt lead to more of the same in every aspect of our lives. The only end to this supposedly is a vaccine, so what happens when Covid 20 hits? Whether it proves to be dangerous or not just lockdown and wait for the next vaccine?
Anyone who wants to live in fear and let politicians and their experts think for them is deserving of the tyranny that inevitably brings. I’ll choose freedom every time and welcome the risk that comes with it!!!
Viruses have no color because they are smaller than the wavelength of light. They can only be seen with electron microscopes. And they don’t have tissue. Tissue is made up of somatic cells.
Why would a colorful model induce fear?
You know what does throw up red flags for me? That almost everything you post contains really basic errors and misconceptions about science.
Sealkin…I love your thoughts and your —ultimately — hopefulness. I do know “some” who hold the perspectives you have shared. But I know others who do not. Wearing a mask is required at my very fundamentalist church —except once seated in the sanctuary. There too, I have noticed a couple elderly people wearing masks throughout the service. Some still YouTube the services from their homes. I am sure some see this as leading to Antichrist, but guess what…for at least the last 50 years I have heard that. (I once heard a famous astrologer quoted as saying the Antichrist was born in 1963…and that from a speaker who would otherwise advise that seeking out the words of astrologers is biblically forbidden.) I have heard a few with conspiracies – one ended her remarks by noting that “Oswald did not kill Kennedy”.-- and much of this comes from one’s personal outlook on the world, not necessarily the Bible or what is taught from the pulpit…As for the book of Revelation — that is a tough book to crack but many have done things a bit too literalistically for quite some time. Jesus will return some day (physically), and when He does, Christians will be as shocked as anyone else. I pay little attention to the many theories at this point.
But I do agree with your comments on the need for sanity.
Germ theory, unproven??? Really??? You aren’t pulling my leg, are you?
You also need to deal with the evidence of finding viral RNA in airways. Where do you think that viral RNA is coming from? How do explain people getting sick and suddenly having this viral RNA in their airways?
Denying the mountains of evidence for the existence of infectious viruses is not scientific.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from these infections.
You could at least start thinking for yourself and start learning about the science of viruses.
This brings up whether viruses are really alive, which is a matter of contention. They certainly exist with structural integrity outside the cell, but are essentially functionless until inside. Then you have the bizarre infectious prion diseases…
I’ve always thought of my self as living in prudence with extra vigilence where required. I wear a mask anytime I leave our property. Doesn’t make me feel the least bit cowardly anymore than latching my seat belt does. I think you should take a deep breath and rethink all this for yourself.
I’ve seen a video on Del Bigtree podcast showing oxygen levels dipping while masked. I’m sure he faked it though. A mask is undeniably an obstruction reducing airflow to the lungs. Obviously you are breathing more carbon dioxide also. It is similar to breathing into a paper bag, when u exhale u are breathing back in carbon dioxide. Show me all the videos you want when I wear a mask I can’t breathe well, so no one can tell me otherwise.
You claim to not listen to medical professionals but say you get info from your family members who are medical professionals?
All of this is really irrelevant anyway because the fact is the mortality rate is 0.26%. I am more likely to die in a car crash on my way to work. So there is absolutely no justification for this insanity. [content removed by moderator] I believe it was Thomas Jefferson that said anyone who trades their liberty for security deserves neither. That is what I’m getting at, America will soon be the land of the slaves thanks to all you good little citizens doing what you’re told.
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He is also against reckless driving laws, helmets for motorcyclists and kids on bicycles, because we sure want more pain, and to have higher medical, insurance and legal costs.
It definitely depends. If you are young and healthy, maybe there’s only about a 1 in 10,000 chance if you get it you die. That’s about comparable to the odds of dying in a car crash each year:
But what about the odds that you get stuck with lingering symptoms and long lasting neurological damage. Long-COVID seems to happen in maybe up to 20% of otherwise healthy young adults. I’m not sure if that’s something you’re okay with.
Yeah, it’s not just the flu. It’s been characterized as more of a blood vessel disease than a respiratory disease because of all the micro-clots it causes… anywhere in the body. And that can cause permanent tissue damage (yes, in the brain, too), up to and including fatal organ damage.